Yup.This is only going to be good for the top 6 or 7 teams needing good players at certain positions. They should have kept the rule where it was one year for everyone. Now we're going to have Wanyas all over Twitter trying to get fans all excited.
He ain't just falling on it...Yes. Put in simple terms: it’s going to come down to whether or not Glazier recommends Pruitt also take the fall in order to protect the university.
We know Neidermeyer is falling on the sword to a degree.
So basically as we already knew....A better QB and the ability to open things up will make a difference-- how much, TBD. This endless controversy and hatred originated with Pruitt's blind allegiance to JG and snowballed with the losing. Factor in the investigation and fans clamoring for Freeze, and it became an avalanche.
JG giftwrapping the game to UK and Pruitt's tone deafness tipped the scale.
Yes. Put in simple terms: it’s going to come down to whether or not Glazier recommends Pruitt also take the fall in order to protect the university.
We know Neidermeyer is falling on the sword to a degree.
Right. It’s like people were expecting Pruitt to be fired right after his formal interview... that was never going to happen. All the findings, testimonies, etc have to be compiled together in ways to Present to UT, from there compliance/Admin will decide how severe the findings are and what the best course of action is before submitting them to SEC/NCAA. Then whatever action we decide to carry out whether that be totally cleaning house, firing assistants, or whatever it may be..... hopefully SEC/NCAA determines the punishment fits the crime or only a little further punishment will be needed.He’s not going to do that until the investigation is complete. It’s not over yet