I don’t have a disdain for Phillip. He is a friend (off the field) and was a hell of a football coach and did wonderful things for the program and the university in the hey day. But just because of that doesn’t give him a pass to do the things he has since becoming the AD. PERIOD.
Behind closed doors he has done more damage to the football program since he departed than any single person in the history of the program. If you ask any current coach who has been there since he has been AD in a closed room setting you would be astonished to hear the meddling and the toxic environment he has created. Trust me here...as more and more of this staff leave the more and more dirt will come out publicly about him and it will be a real bad look for him and the university for allowing it to happen.
There is a reason why you have a large conglomerate of very high profile boosters who have demanded him ride off into the sunset...guess we will see what happens.