What are the thousands and thousands of people in apartments supposed to do? How many renters have generators? I get what yer saying but Texas power comes from many private companies, and after this happened in 2011 they were told to, and said they would, invest in making the changes that would prevent this. They didn't. We don't have water because the water treatment plant lost power because the power companies didn't do what they said they would. Having a generator is a good idea but on this scale there are more systemic issues. Even if everyone who could have generators did, most gas stations in my area are down to premium only and will likely run out. At least the ones that are open. There's also no propane or firewood or bottled water in the area. I went in a store today that had standing water from a frozen pipe that burst. It's one of hundreds of such businesses and homes just in Austin. My friends apartment is flooded because his upstairs neighbors pipe busted. Lots of apartment complexes are having pipes burst here. I'm one of the extremely lucky ones who has only lost water. Should I plan better for this, absolutely. Should I be able to expect the power companies to do what needed to be done and what they said they'd do after last time something like this happened? I would think since I pay them for this service that would be a fair expectation.