Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Our 11-month-old son started running a fever this afternoon and is in the ER now with a 103.1 temperature. Some of you may recall me asking for prayers for my niece late last year due to MIS-C, a secondary condition to COVID-19. We are almost positive he was infected with COVID-19 a few weeks back. There was an outbreak at his school, and my wife and I contracted it. I know we have prayer warriors here and I would appreciate them at this time.

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🙏🏻 up
I know Bill gates is controversial but I think his largest current investment is sodium cooled nuclear reactors. I've read a little about them and it does sound like they should get more attention than they do.
Ken sorenson is the one who rediscovered what the oak ridge guys proved. There's a movie documentary about it called pandora's promise I think. Gates is a variation of that. Not the best design imo.

I like that they use electricity to freeze a plug at bottom. If something bad occurs it unfreezes, falls into a tank below and spreads out. Neutrons aren't close together anymore so reaction stops and salt hardens. Easy cleanup which can be reused
My point is that the people in charge Effed this up with a capital F, and like you said this could’ve been completely avoided.

To blame it on the residents of Texas for not ‘being prepared’ like some posters have mentioned is ignorant.
I'm just tired of the whole situation at this point. But there's nothing anyone can do about it until the temperature rises enough to thaw the grid. So nothing will get better until the weekend at the earliest. Trying to pinpoint blame is human nature it seems. Just read back through any of our coaching searches, game threads, lost recruit threads, etc for evidence of that. People need an escape goat for everything. It's comforting i guess. I try to avoid it but am guilty of it sometimes too.
Our 11-month-old son started running a fever this afternoon and is in the ER now with a 103.1 temperature. Some of you may recall me asking for prayers for my niece late last year due to MIS-C, a secondary condition to COVID-19. We are almost positive he was infected with COVID-19 a few weeks back. There was an outbreak at his school, and my wife and I contracted it. I know we have prayer warriors here and I would appreciate them at this time.

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Sending prayers, God is in control
Call your US Representatives field office in the morning.
Thank you for suggesting this. I reached out this morning and I will have my passport tomorrow morning. This was an unbelievable help in a nearly impossible situation that literally saved me thousands of lost dollars. VN comes though as always.
Our 11-month-old son started running a fever this afternoon and is in the ER now with a 103.1 temperature. Some of you may recall me asking for prayers for my niece late last year due to MIS-C, a secondary condition to COVID-19. We are almost positive he was infected with COVID-19 a few weeks back. There was an outbreak at his school, and my wife and I contracted it. I know we have prayer warriors here and I would appreciate them at this time.

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Praying for your little one right now brother.
Please keep us updated @Girth Brooks

They’re about to release him. He had visible irritation around his “boy parts” and they thought he may have possibly developed a UTI. Took a urine sample via catheter and it came back negative. They wanted to do a flu/COVID test, but mama declined it because it is an uncomfortable procedure and the illnesses are untreatable (other than symptom mitigation). Plus, like I posted earlier, we are convinced he had COVID a few weeks ago because he was spitting his food out, like he had no appetite from loss of taste/smell. The attending physician believes it is viral and not MIS-C. Thanks for the prayers, Volunteers! 🤙🏼

He’s ready to go home.

What are the thousands and thousands of people in apartments supposed to do? How many renters have generators? I get what yer saying but Texas power comes from many private companies, and after this happened in 2011 they were told to, and said they would, invest in making the changes that would prevent this. They didn't. We don't have water because the water treatment plant lost power because the power companies didn't do what they said they would. Having a generator is a good idea but on this scale there are more systemic issues. Even if everyone who could have generators did, most gas stations in my area are down to premium only and will likely run out. At least the ones that are open. There's also no propane or firewood or bottled water in the area. I went in a store today that had standing water from a frozen pipe that burst. It's one of hundreds of such businesses and homes just in Austin. My friends apartment is flooded because his upstairs neighbors pipe busted. Lots of apartment complexes are having pipes burst here. I'm one of the extremely lucky ones who has only lost water. Should I plan better for this, absolutely. Should I be able to expect the power companies to do what needed to be done and what they said they'd do after last time something like this happened? I would think since I pay them for this service that would be a fair expectation.
Sounds like a classic class action lawsuit gonna take place on them so called non profit energy @#$$'s.
A few years ago my mom opened up a small shop in Seymour (women’s clothes, home goods type stuff). The grand opening was Pruitt’s first game against West Virginia. I start to walk out of her shop to go watch the game and I see this bald guy with a goatee walk in decked out in UT gear and it’s Willie Martinez. So I’m not sure how to feel about hiring a guy that had nothing better to do than visit my mom’s shop on the opening weekend of college football season.
We should have went to molten salt reactors in the 60's when it was proven to work. But we chose the pressure cooker types that make fuel for bombs. The lftr reactors are the future of energy. Salt holds alot more heat than water. Alot safer nuclear too

There are several doable plans for alternative energy but no path forward on implementation of any of those plans. Everybody wants the new and shiny but how do you make a universal swap the least painless to the end user? It has to be done slowly and deliberately and not how it has been done or proposed to be done at this time which is fast and our only choice.

As it is now we have a plan that is both not well thought out or end user friendly. The buy in has to be done by the masses and I would imagine a large part of the people in Texas are not convinced that it is a good idea now and perceptions will not easily be changed at this point.
Texas power companies are private not government.
I didn't state otherwise, but there's not a lot of energy companies competing for your business I've noticed. Buy a kerosene heater and start looking into masonry heaters or peter vandenburg's batch rocket stove. Combines masonry heater and rocket stove tech. I been on a forum with him since 2013.

It is the most efficient on a testo meter that I've heard of.
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I know Bill gates is controversial but I think his largest current investment is sodium cooled nuclear reactors. I've read a little about them and it does sound like they should get more attention than they do.
You have to watch this whole interview, it's in there somewhere. I don't care what people think about him, he is smart AF and wants to help planet Earth. And maybe make a trillion or 2 in the process, for the good tho,. Naw really is a good watch. Was Aired 3 days ago. So not old.
There are several doable plans for alternative energy but no path forward on implementation of any of those plans. Everybody wants the new and shiny but how do you make a universal swap the least painless to the end user? It has to be done slowly and deliberately and not how it has been done or proposed to be done at this time which is fast and our only choice.

As it is now we have a plan that is both not well thought out or end user friendly. The buy in has to be done by the masses and I would imagine a large part of the people in Texas are not convinced that it is a good idea now and perceptions will not easily be changed at this point.
We'll start convincing them then... I think this tragedy is an incredible opportunity to educate them how stupid we do things. A thorium reactor is not an unsafe device. Corrosion from salt is one technical challenge so pipes will need replaced until a suitable material is found. Much safer than zirconium rods that caused fukushima and chernobyl

Edit sleeves rather than rods. Converts to pure hydrogen when overheats or meltdown. Collects at top. Pressure rises. Concrete cracks. Oxygen meets hydrogen. Boom. Twice now
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