Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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A few months back, I watched a concert on one of the cable channels featuring Dickie Betts and his current band. He looked kinda bad and I thought his vocals were terrible. His son is a fine picker and pretty good vocalist though.
Derek Trucks still plays and he is great. When I was coaching near Macon in the late 80s kids were still hanging out at the Duane Allman grave and partying.
I hear ya. My first girl was the result of a year and a half of fertility treatments, loads of tests, AIs, a surgery for my wife and two rounds of in vitro (almost none of which was covered by insurance). My daughter was a frozen embryo for three months before getting back into the mix — I always say she's three months older than other kids her age.

But yeah, the whole process beat the hell out of us physically, emotionally and financially. Of course, with a million do-overs I'd do it all again every damn time to get that girl.

And then we got pregnant with my second daughter on the first try (unassisted). My wife called her our BOGO.

I was a bit short of 42 years old when the first one was born and now I'm mid-fitties with two middle schoolers. And I'm absolutely loving it. I just don't ever get to retire is all.
Awesome story. I would not trade my adopted children for anything though they both came with some challenges. In the end, there is no greater joy in the world than being a parent. Thank you for sharing your story. It's a great one.
Could have pinched a nerve, the way he took those shots to the head/neck area. Having had one before there are some undesired muscle twitches that occur and the sensation of cold is intense. Mine was thankfully in my lower leg, also the test they run are far worse than any I've ever had done. Like an 8 inch needle being plunged into the back of the leg to touch/test the nerve with small pulses of electricity.

Like every jolt felt like the worst hamstring cramp I've had in my life, was not pleasant.[/QUOTE

The EMG test should be at maximum only mildly uncomfortable. Means the person that did yours wasn’t very good at it.
Sorry dude, that sucks. I used to teach how to perform the EMG test. If my residents hurt the patients, then I made them practice on themselves or each other before they could another patient.
We were required to do 200 supervised studies as residents before you could do any unsupervised. Technique was key for less discomfort, it also took caring that it didn’t have to hurt...some don’t care unfortunately.
We played cow pasture tackle from elementary through hs as well. I broke my left arm so bad, snapping both bones about half way between the wrist and elbow like a tree limb that required two surgeries, four permanent scars and nerve damage. My mom drove me to the er covered in cow manure. During college years we would play tackle on a local hs field on Sunday afternoons.
I about got my nose broke playing football at a friend's house in 8th grade. I decided I would stick with cheerleading for someone else to get broken bones.
I absolutely love this. I am constantly teaching texas folks why they owe their statehood to Tennessee. This is perfect. They always fall for whatever I tell them.

One of my favorites is that Tennessee graduates fought at the Alamo (as to why we’re the real UT). I say it solemnly and with conviction. They look embarrassed that they didn’t know...but what do you expect, they have a cow as their mascot...🤠
I’ll have you know, it’s a bovine. 🤠
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Charlie Daniels
Elvin Bishop
Sea Level - a group that was formed by members of the Allman Brothers
Blackberry Smoke - a newer group that would have fit in back in the day
Charlie bought my grandfather's farm back in the mid seventies. He named it Twin Pines Ranch which got its name from two very tall pine trees me and my brother planted as seedlings on top of the large hill closest to Central Pike.
BB gun and bottle rocket/Roman candle wars; tackle football and “pick up - smear” (the PC name of the game); exploring the woods, caves and creeks; drinking from the hosepipe; building forts; riding bikes all day, childhood/adolescence in the 80s was incredible. Amazingly, no broken bones in my childhood.
I remember playing Hide and Go Seek until late at night, catching lightning bugs in a jar and poking holes in the lid for air and putting them in your room later and watch them light up, no shirt, no shoes and no worries. Parents would all set around and talk and we would play all over the little neighborhood that was my whole world and all I could ever want. So simple and so much fun. I feel sorry for the kids today, most have no idea of what carefree is.
Uh, this doesn’t qualify as football or recruiting related. 🙄
The Rock just seems like a genuinely good dude
I'm torn because he seems to be, but the F&F brother+sisterhood seem to really not like him. Especially after Paul Walker passed away, you could see all those true friendships and then there was just drama when it came to Dwayne Johnson. In the end, he didn't think they were 100% professional as actors (yeah no sh** lol) and they thought he was a diva.

Guess there are always 2 sides to a story, but I'll side with the OG crew. Though I suppose you can be a good person and a diva too in a sense
I remember playing Hide and Go Seek until late at night, catching lightning bugs in a jar and poking holes in the lid for air and putting them in your room later and watch them light up, no shirt, no shoes and no worries. Parents would all set around and talk and we would play all over the little neighborhood that was my whole world and all I could ever want. So simple and so much fun. I feel sorry for the kids today, most have no idea of what carefree is.
Great times no doubt but I grew up doing it in the country. Our neighbors were a quarter mile or more away but we still got together by walking or taking our bikes. But everybody for miles around knew each other and nobody worried about locking doors, etc. Heck, when I was a kid, we shared a phone line with three or four other parties!
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