Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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We played cow pasture tackle from elementary through hs as well. I broke my left arm so bad, snapping both bones about half way between the wrist and elbow like a tree limb that required two surgeries, four permanent scars and nerve damage. My mom drove me to the er covered in cow manure. During college years we would play tackle on a local hs field on Sunday afternoons.

BB gun and bottle rocket/Roman candle wars; tackle football and “pick up - smear” (the PC name of the game); exploring the woods, caves and creeks; drinking from the hosepipe; building forts; riding bikes all day, childhood/adolescence in the 80s was incredible. Amazingly, no broken bones in my childhood.
You have any that you do consider insiders here?
I shouldn’t have called metal out like that, he s just having fun like the rest of us.
and yeah, I think Hank had some good info, Atlanta likely had some info. LAvol has legit info.

We re all just having fun but sometimes we get a little picky about folks that might be pretending
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Well apparently usual does not apply. Moderate the rasslin' posts!! That's all I'm sayin'. What's fair is fair.
I got one cool story about a Wrassler that I meant to tell the other day...or well actually he is just a massive superstar at this point.

We had a young extended family member a few years ago that was dying of cancer, and his greatest hero in the world was The Rock, and it was his wish to meet him.

Somehow they got word to the Rock about his wish, and he took the time to fly to Georgia to meet the kid before he died. It still blows my mind that he cared enough to do it.

I also worked in Hulk Hogans home in Clearwater several times. He and his buddy Brian Knobbs are really nice guys, and were always really cool to us...his ex-wife Linda however is a complete and utter beyotch..

Cool stories over..
BB gun and bottle rocket/Roman candle wars; tackle football and “pick up - smear” (the PC name of the game); exploring the woods, caves and creeks; drinking from the hosepipe; building forts; riding bikes all day, childhood/adolescence in the 80s was incredible. Amazingly, no broken bones in my childhood.
I hate the world we live in is not f'n sucks.
BB gun and bottle rocket/Roman candle wars; tackle football and “pick up - smear” (the PC name of the game); exploring the woods, caves and creeks; drinking from the hosepipe; building forts; riding bikes all day, childhood/adolescence in the 80s was incredible. Amazingly, no broken bones in my childhood.
I did a lot of the same things but a decade or two earlier. Speaking of playing tackle after church on Sundays, a bunch of us boys from Lebanon drove over to Watertown one Sunday to play "between the hedges" at the old Watertown hs. My brother, who played nose while in hs and was benching around 400 at this particular time, was getting overly pissed at this dude blocking him who repeatedly just lunged into my brother's shins each play. He finally had enough and told us before the next play he was fixin to lay him out. He lined up very close in front of him and clinched both his big, hard fists and , when the ball was snapped, he caught the guy directly under his jaw and sending him falling backwards and momentarily unresponsive. That guy left the field a little later and never returned to play again the rest of the year or after. Found out later he had a broken jaw and trouble with his larnyx.
I got one cool story about a Wrassler that I meant to tell the other day...or well actually he is just a massive superstar at this point.

We had a young extended family member a few years ago that was dying of cancer, and his greatest hero in the world was The Rock, and it was his wish to meet him.

Somehow they got word to the Rock about his wish, and he took the time to fly to Georgia to meet the kid before he died. It still blows my mind that he cared enough to do it.

I also worked in Hulk Hogans home in Clearwater several times. He and his buddy Brian Knobbs are really nice guys, and were always really cool to us...his ex-wife Linda however is a complete and utter beyotch..

Cool stories over..
giphy (2).gif
I got one cool story about a Wrassler that I meant to tell the other day...or well actually he is just a massive superstar at this point.

We had a young extended family member a few years ago that was dying of cancer, and his greatest hero in the world was The Rock, and it was his wish to meet him.

Somehow they got word to the Rock about his wish, and he took the time to fly to Georgia to meet the kid before he died. It still blows my mind that he cared enough to do it.

I also worked in Hulk Hogans home in Clearwater several times. He and his buddy Brian Knobbs are really nice guys, and were always really cool to us...his ex-wife Linda however is a complete and utter beyotch..

Cool stories over..

The Rock just seems like a genuinely good dude
Not sure I understand the need to put that out there.. If I were CJH, I would tell AP to get his info from VolNation from now on...
Someone mentioned that this happened well before JH was hired. I think JJ went in the portal a long time ago.
Don't have the connections they used to so they're just digging for content now

How about listen to podcast and you will know why he said it. People have asked two wks in a row in mailbag of Gibbs would be back and that was his answer as to why he would not be back. People need to quit pretending VQ doesn’t have info it’s beyond silly
The Hooker get just seemed to slide in under the radar. I'm just picking up on it in the last few days. That's an intersting personell development for the O. On the D I am really curious how the Memphis 3 will come on. Just a variable that could turn out to be highly significant. I always look for a reason to hope for the best. Don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that the team hits the ground running under this new coaching staff.
Don't people normally want hooker gets to slide in under the radar?
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