Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Not every athlete or fan is American so what if it bothers them like it bothers you to hear athletes bringing attention to the struggles black Americans face?
If they are not American and do not like our National Anthem then they need to go back to where they came from. Regardless what you been told, its not Americas place to change our culture to fit non American cultures.
No.... that’s not the case. It’s just no one does it.... what person has ever been flamed for saying he is a republican? Lol

wow, you cant begin to make this stuff up.

I remember you guys crying about me brining basketball talk in here. Wah, wah, wah, is all I heard. One dude even cussed me out he got so mad at my dead on accurate statements about Lebum. And yet, y'all are talking basketball and I bring some actual football discussion, and y'all don't want anything to do with it. Hypocrites. The lot of you.
For what it's worth, I enjoyed and appreciated the post.
Really good news. Wanted to thank folks for your prayers for my BIL and his sister. So far it appears the Lord is providing the healing we requested. Her husband's funeral was scheduled for Friday. They have asked for it to be pushed back a couple of days as it looks like she is recovering well enough to attend. From 40's on her oxygen reading, terribly sick, and being in the ICU to being able to leave the hospital in less than a week is nothing short of a miracle with COVID. Praise the Lord and the hospital staff. Again, much appreciation from my VN friends for your thoughts and prayers.
So glad to hear this!
I mean you keep making it worse. This is America. We celebrate our country. All of us. You know, just like every other country around the world.

The national anthem is not a partisan political statement. The fact that you’re trying to make some equivalency between the national anthem and political statements is beyond absurd
They should stop playing it because it’s annoying and not a good song
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Dude who the **** cares...

Let people do what they want. Their life. What someone else does shouldn’t bother you, especially ones you don’t personally know. Life is way to short to cry over dumb ****.

So who is next to commit?
Politics is all about those who want to be left alone and those who won't leave you tf alone. Count me in the 'leave me tf alone' crowd.
Because kneeling was never the issue. They didn’t like what they were kneeling about. If they were kneeling because cops needed to be treated better then it’s a non issue.
I disagree with this, Hank. It had nothing to do with who needs to be treated better (and the world is full of people that need to be treated better). It's all about showing disrespect to our country to draw attention to any group that needs to be treated better. Still trying to figure out how it is supposed to help.
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