A little late to the party, but my take on this:
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Have tried to follow that verse and so have both of my adult sons.
Anyone else on here who teaches and/or coaches sees kids who are broken and angry by the time they get to us, usually because of a combination of hopelessness, fatherlessness, generational poverty and neglectful parenting.
Quiet time in the morning my prayer is to see the kids thru Jesus' eyes, as well as seeing others I encounter that way.
IF we attack these issues on a one to one individual basis and stop looking for the government or ESPN to tell us how to treat one another, we can start to do better as individuals.
Stop letting the internet raise your kids, love your wife as Christ loved the Church.
Sorry if this is too preachy. I'm far from perfect, just an old sorry sinner saved by His Grace. God Bless!!! GO VOLS!!