Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Years ago the wife and I took a horse and carriage tour of the city. Recommend highly if they still do the tours.

They still do these, and I think it’s a great way to see some of the city and get history at same time.

Downtown- waterfront park, battery, rainbow row, and the market; They can all be walked within a reasonable time but could wear out a child. They aren’t just for history either as the park and battery have great views. I went to Fort Sumter years ago, and it’s almost a must if you are into the Civil War. Since we stay on IOP, we only have lunch when we go at one of the several restaurants near the market. There is also an aquarium, but I haven’t been (my kids may have).

If you are staying near Sullivan’s Island or IOP, Fort Moultrie is a smaller, lesser known location right on beach on Sullivan’s Island. It was an important location to occupy if troops were trying to take Fort Sumter. Also where Osceola is buried. Sullivan’s Island has a great strip of restaurants but gets busy early.

Patriot’s Point is cool and many things to do, but we haven’t been in years as well as other plantation tours.
At least my new editions to my jersey collection came in. Sitting at 15/30 of the MLB Teams collected.
Oh, that brings back memories of when my son got to be the Mariners in baseball. Those were some nice uniforms and so fun to scrapbook. My daughter usually got to be the Yankees. Being a Daughter of the South made it bad enough, but those were some ugly, boring suits. (I think that's what @jakez4ut calls clean.) Was so thankful when she moved to softball!
They still do these, and I think it’s a great way to see some of the city and get history at same time.

Downtown- waterfront park, battery, rainbow row, and the market; They can all be walked within a reasonable time but could wear out a child. They aren’t just for history either as the park and battery have great views. I went to Fort Sumter years ago, and it’s almost a must if you are into the Civil War. Since we stay on IOP, we only have lunch when we go at one of the several restaurants near the market. There is also an aquarium, but I haven’t been (my kids may have).

If you are staying near Sullivan’s Island or IOP, Fort Moultrie is a smaller, lesser known location right on beach on Sullivan’s Island. It was an important location to occupy if troops were trying to take Fort Sumter. Also where Osceola is buried. Sullivan’s Island has a great strip of restaurants but gets busy early.

Patriot’s Point is cool and many things to do, but we haven’t been in years as well as other plantation tours.
Trying to remember, was Fort Moultrie the fort they were trying to storm at the end of the movie "Glory"? Thinking it was, but not sure.
Trying to remember, was Fort Moultrie the fort they were trying to storm at the end of the movie "Glory"? Thinking it was, but not sure.

Good memory but I had to look it up. They were at Fort Wagner, which is on Morris Island, south of Charleston Harbor. Fort Moultrie is north of Sumter on the edge of the harbor.
Good memory but I had to look it up. They were at Fort Wagner, which is on Morris Island, south of Charleston Harbor. Fort Moultrie is north of Sumter on the edge of the harbor.
Okay. I knew it was in the area. I was thinking it was Moultrie, but Wagner makes sense.
Go to Patriot's Point. You can tour the USS Yorktown and the USS Laffey. I remember as a kid, I enjoyed it. It's history, but not one of those boring historical places. At least not IMO.
Patriots Point is awesome, one of my favorite spots.

- Carriage rides through the city
- Patriots Point
- Fort Moultrie
- Battery Park
- Fort Sumter

Are all cool, but then again I'm a history nerd. Charleston is such a cool town.
I do. Wife and kid.... Not so much
Yep, would be my story also. They would head to the shops and I guess, the beach. I would be on historical walking tours, battlefield visits and everything else I could find. We might not see each other except when we get back to the room to sleep.
I got a history degree for my bachelors. Dated a girl through it that hated history. That sucked for me. My girlfriend now also has a history degree, and we have the nerdiest vacations.
We went to Williamsburg for my honeymoon. My wife still has not forgiven me for that, 23 years later, LOL.
Yep, would be my story also. They would head to the shops and I guess, the beach. I would be on historical walking tours, battlefield visits and everything else I could find. We might not see each other except when we get back to the room to sleep.
I thank God my wife and kids weren't like that. My wife isn't the type to sit around and read history, but she loves when we go and see these places and either I or a docent tells her all about kids are all about like son is an even bigger history buff than I am.
I got a history degree for my bachelors. Dated a girl through it that hated history. That sucked for me. My girlfriend now also has a history degree, and we have the nerdiest vacations.
That is great..I think people that care about history are usually the most intelligent and deep people around.
We went to Williamsburg for my honeymoon. My wife still has not forgiven me for that, 23 years later, LOL.
That place is close to the top of the bucket list for us...Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown all right there along with Busch's like history and amusement park nirvana for We are going to try and go there for 4-5 days next summer Lord willing.
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Yes...but I also hate when people revise history to fit their stupid agenda.
It is nearly impossible, especially in universities today, to separate what is true and what is political agenda. There’s a North Korean woman, very famous now.. Yeon-Mi Park.. who defected and went to Columbia University and said “I escaped censorship just to have to learn to censor myself again” of her experience in college. She was told not to read certain authors because they were “colonizers,” and when she rebuked this thought, professors had the audacity to say she was brainwashed by North Korean lines of thinking. I truly detest the path the humanities have gone down, and I don’t think the universities can survive this way much longer. People are starting to view higher education as a waste of time and that’s alarming.
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