No, a lot of your generation is soft for the following reasons. Outside of your self and you mamma, no one in this world gives 2 $hits about your feelings. Time for all of you to learn that. Business are not in business to provide you a “living wage”. They are in business to make money. If you don’t like your current wage, increase your skill set and find a better job. The rich are not evil. Those that are rich are lucky enough to inherit it or have worked all their lives to create something for themselves. You have the same opportunities but the outcome vary by skills, work ethic, and luck of timing. Politics is not a sport, stop treating it that way. Student loans are debt that you chose to take on. Pay it back. Learn the difference between needs and wants. If you can’t be happy with just your basic needs fulfilled, then you will never be happy no matter how may of you “wants” you get in life. Stopping asking others do make you life easier. That is your job. If you disagree with someone, that is normal. Not everyone has to like the same thinks or think the same way. Learn to disagree with less vitriol.