Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Your dog looks delicious.
If you haven't guessed, I really like bacon.

Pigs are delicious.

I watched some guys from Nepal, roast a pig with lighter fluid and 2x4s on the ground once. They took the hair off with the 2x4s and charcoaled the outside of it. Then proceeded to slaughter it on the dirt. Made me rethink eating it, but it was delicious.
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Bob Valvano (brother of the late Jim Valvano) on his nightly radio show once went through a synopsis on why he believed players were having so many mental breakdowns in pro sports today, it went something like this:

When we were kids, we gathered together, decided what game we would play (football, baseball, basketball), we would set the field up for play, we would set the rules, then divide up into teams. During the games, we refereed ourselves, and sometimes if it got out of hand it may have come to blows. After the fight was over, we moved on. On the field we determined winners and losers and then we’d do it the next day.

Today, kids are chauffeured to games bu their moms in pre made leagues, with referees mediating conflicts, and trophies for the winners and even the losers.

One problem with this is an elite player is sheltered from the stress of conflict, travel, team building, etc which at their younger ages may be shielded, but when these players reach elite college level or pro level the talent gap shrinks to where mental toughness becomes more of the edge between athletes and that’s where these coddled players tend to break.
I don’t know if Tiger Woods is the best example...... Tiger was pushed into golf bc that was what his dad loved..... it worked out bc tiger also loved it and was made for the game....... just like the Manning’s...... it’s not a coincidence so many of them are great at football/qb.
Yeah but you can push a kid into a sport but that doesn't mean they'll be great at it. Luck has a lot to do with being exposed to the right sport for your skill set. His dad and he could have loved basketball. Doesn't mean he would be world class.
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When they started giving participation trophy's just for coming to practice was what started the era of "Your feelings mean more than learning hard lessons". Parents bringing snacks is something I never understood. When I played you might have got a Coke or on a special occasion a milk shake from the Dairy Queen if you won.....if you lost, a pat on the back and the old" Try harder next time".....NOT A JUICE BOX AND SOME COOKIES !!!!! WHAT HAVE WE COME TOO ....a juice box.....huh......Has anybody seen my shoe ? It was right here...found it..carry on.
I played baseball in the late 50"s and it was a very different time. I never witnessed any of the crap I see today. If any of us got hurt playing ball, we were told to just "rub some dirt on it"
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