not sure if I believe that.The park rangers kill wild boar in the GSMNP all of the time. They left it up to the general public to hunt them and it failed miserably. So they do it using night vision and cameras. Kill them, haul them off to wild animal bone yard of sorts and let the scavengers have at them.'s fine. Don't believe it. My GSMNP biologist friend was probably making it up.
I never disbelieved you, but I saw a chance for a joke and ran with it.Don't need them even though I have them. Y'all will find it down in the non-native section.
Wildlife Management and Science - Great Smoky Mountains National Park (U.S. National Park Service)
I don’t like them either. I was lucky enough to get a PS5 on release because my girlfriends dad is the GM of GameStop, but I’m still the only one of my friends that owns one because of scalpers. I’m just not willing to say that what they’re doing is evil or criminal in some way.Scalpers are literally human garbage. It's that simple.