Two years ago, At my best, I could plank (without quitting) for 6 minutes. By the end, I would look like I was in an earthquake…my entire body would be shaking so hard. My daughter just fell out laughing
I can barely do a minute plank now. I need to get that core strength back. I was 56. Now 58, time to get back in shape for the last 1.5 years in my 50s. I want to be fit when I enter my 60s.
If anyone wants a challenge, google “30-day plank challenge“. It starts off really slow, but will kick your arse by about day 20. I am going to do it again. I will start today. At the same time I did the 30 day pushup/squat challenge. 1,000 push-ups and 3,000 squats in 30 days.
Who’s with me?