I don't understand the interest in her at all.
Once she hired Danny White, the days of her thinking about the football team, or any sport for that matter, were over. Is she going to give DW the resources he wants? That's where her involvement in athletics begins and ends at this point. All signs point to yes, so who cares?
As far as the firing of Pruitt, I still want someone to explain to me what exactly she was supposed to do differently, except possibly fire everyone in November. Whistleblower shows up to your office with damning evidence and you do nothing. What are you gonna do when that Whistleblower sends the same damning evidence to the NCAA instead, like what happened at ASU? Put a hit on him mafia style? As far as I'm concerned she has done the obvious at every step. There isn't anything to do once internal people in your program are willing to go Whistleblower. There were no good options after that.