Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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I think it’s a little unfair to have the same feelings about a guy that has a child living out of Knoxville than just a “regular” student-athlete. He gets a little bit of a pass from me due to the kid factor
Yet another situation he created himself. Kids are not a bad thing, even more of a reason to focus on education.
Yet another situation he created himself. Kids are not a bad thing, even more of a reason to focus on education.

Well let’s be honest about it. I think if the kid really is the reason to focus then it’s plenty reasonable to think focusing on education closer to that child is equally important.
You know there is a dude on YouTube that beat the entire game blindfolded? One of the most incredible things I’ve ever seen… that and solving rubics cubes while juggling them
That's ridiculous! I've beat it several times but playing blind folded would be insane.

The game really is all about timing and strategy so I see how its possible but not even something I'd attempt. Ha.
Well let’s be honest about it. I think if the kid really is the reason to focus then it’s plenty reasonable to think focusing on education closer to that child is equally important.
Honestly, it would be easier to focus on your education at a place you've already been accepted and enrolled.

He would have the opportunity to make some decent NIL $ and could have easily moved the kid here. It would have only been for 14 more months or so. I know 14 months sounds like a lot to younger people, but it is nothing when considering the opportunity to create a financially rewarding future and security for his family.

It is a shame that he doesn't understand the situation and opportunity enough to realize the importance and seriousness of capitalizing on it.
Tiyon ain’t come here to play school.
Well, that’s fair. Evans is definitely not our most important player, but he is possibly the most talented playmaker we had on offense. Once again, wish he wasn’t transferring, but we should be less worried about RB than any other position.

VJJ and CT and Hooker have as much or more playmaking ability. JMO
My theory is Kiffin is making it so absurdly obvious that they'll be forced to make a rule...which ultimately helps his uptempo offense. And ours too.

Kiffin pulling a Magnus Carlsen

This is what i've been thinking too. He's probably had it done to him by other coaches and realized its a defensive loophole. I think thats why he doesnt even try to hide it. He has the whole country talking about this issue. They're likely going to add a rule this offseason as a result.
okay so we know our coaching staff can make the most of what they have, can coach their rears off, the players love them, and they can develop kids .... But what I haven't seen yet is their ability to RECRUIT, which is one of the keys to being successful in the SEC... I don't think they get it coming from UCF... I hope they don't think they will just keep maximizing what they have and it will all work out... we need talent at every position, and talent is currently being scooped up and going elsewhere... to schools we whipped...
unless they know something we don't and have agreements with portal kids and some silent commits, they need to step it up in a major way... This is one of things I was worried about when they announced the hire... I hope he proves me wrong, but right now at this point in the year, I am certainly not getting a good feeling...
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Good to hear and I think it shows. This team carries themselves different.

However a family member of Morven Joseph was on Twitter saying its not as good as it appears. I don't really buy that. However if it is true I think there are maybe a few outliers that haven't bought in yet.
He transferred didnt he?

Potshots from employee on way out.
okay so we know our coaching staff can make the most of what they have, can coach their rears off, the players love them, and they can develop kids .... But what I haven't seen yet is their ability to RECRUIT, which is one of the keys to being successful in the SEC... I don't think they get it coming from UCF... I hope they don't think they will just keep maximizing what they have and it will all work out... we need talent at every position, and talent is currently being scooped up and going elsewhere... to schools we whipped...
unless they know something we don't and have agreements with portal kids and some silent commits, they need to step it up in a major way... This is one of things I was worried about when they announced the hire... I hope he proves me wrong, but right now at this point in the year, I am certainly not getting a good feeling...

Can we enjoy the season and wait to do this until after signing day and we know for sure we have a mediocre recruiting class? There is still a lot of room for this class to get a lot better.
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