I don't know you, until you decided to start replying to me today never knew you existed. If you think a general phrased "you" pronoun that's about a widely discussed topic that's been in the news for half a year is about something you're saying then it's being narcissistic, I'm not attacking you or even calling you a narcissist, stop projecting your perceptions into my meanings.
I've been trying to step away and you KEEP ON COMMENTING because you're so caught up in getting the last word in.
I don't know you, you don't know me. I'm done at this point any continued pettiness you wish to continue is on you.
You're welcome to stop posting any time (you've been promising to). And I am welcome to continue pointing out the problems with your posts.
The problem with your logic is that it's bad. You claim that you weren't targeting me with the attack--just the "type" of person who would say it. The history of the interaction makes that very unlikely, thus I pointed out that in all probability you've just devolved to intellectual dishonesty. But your problem (as I stated) is that I did use those words, so your attack was leveled at me. Let's try your logic out for size:
"Polish people are so stupid."
"I'm Polish."
"Why did you take that personally? I didn't address it to you, you narcissist."
Starting to see how weak and ridiculous that is?
Listen, I don't really care *that* much one way or the other. I'm not too worried about what you think of me. I do, however, have a tendency to call out this kind of thing on principle. You clothed yourself in self-righteous inclusion and a refusal to infer what people should think or do, then without even pausing for breath, you abused a Biblical ethic to attack someone for disagreeing with you. That's hypocrisy of a special type. And then when you were called on it, you devolved to attack-by-dishonesty.
For the record, my example of what it is to love our neighbor is the actions of the one who gave that command to his followers. Jesus was known to tell the truth as an expression of love. He was known to hurt peoples' feelz while expressing that truth. If you think that Jesus was constrained by hoping he never offended anyone, you should probably read a little more. But one thing about Jesus: He was always honest. And He never once lied and then attacked others for calling Him on it. Something tells me He'd consider that an unloving thing to do.
You may want to call a mulligan on this one, sir.