This ^^^^ right here. Spot on and well done, doc. Listen up, folks. TL;dr - but going to do it anyway.
It's OK to fire people when they do not accomplish the mission or struggle with the relationships aspect. You are doing what is best for the bigger entity as well as for the person who needs fired. They need a restart and a new perspective as well. It's not easy to lead others. Tough people make tough decisions. As a leader, when you are no longer willing to take on the tough decisions and difficult situations, it is time to quit and move out of the way.
That's why some of us gray hairs keep saying that the program was messed up from the top of the food chain down. We lived and were fans/donors when it wasn't. We had tough leaders from the system President through the AD. They made tough calls, especially when they had hired the wrong coach in a sport and/or had to fire somebody. When Johnson and Dickey retired, they were replaced by incompetence who just played political games within the state, university and donor base. Down went the programs over time.
We are past that now. Gone - finally. Embrace the fresh air and enjoy the ride. The coaches in the primary sports will be stable for a good while to come. No more blowing with the wind unless an individual coach has a melt down. That stability will bring a much happier and winning atmosphere. It's the long term view. The short term view, which is to do as everybody else currently is doing, sets up failure. UT needs to be UT - do it our way. We have a real shot at getting our identity back that Doc describes. We can be innovative throughout the athletic department, just as Heup's offense has proven to be. But it also applies to how the university does things overall.
FWIW - I totally disagree with the comments on Jimbo. He wears a natty ring while using a talented, but complete buffoon at QB. That's not incompetence. His team beat Bama this season with a back-up gimpy legged QB. That's not incompetence. He leveraged his donor base to buy a 5* football team using the cutting edge NIL to do it. That's not incompetence. Now he has the tools in his belt to beat the best. Will see if he can build the team culture aspect over the course of the next few years. It will be a challenge, but my gut says he will be wearing another natty ring in a few years.
We can do the same thing. Just do it our way. I'm excited for the future now.