Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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Do yourself a favor and watch the baseball game----it should be more interesting
I can't watch any of it.

But if I could - I'd do same as last weekend. Basketball on tv - baseball stream on the laptop.

I also may have to disagree. I think we boatrace Vandy.

UNC-Duke is going to be an epic battle though. You're talking one of the greatest of all his last season...vs his rival...for a chance to play for it all. That is going to be drama and then some. There's good reason average ticket sales are over $1,000. It's nuts.
Except that's a fallacy. He was never the greatest. He's a guy who played too long so he could break a record. At the end he was a singles hitter that was more a detriment to his team than an asset. But he still inserted himself into the lineup (remember, he was a player-coach at the end). That's not greatness, that's selfishness. And he broke the one rule in baseball that holds a very clear punishment. It's his own fault but he still refuses to own up to his mistake.
U misunderstand the word fallacy

Esp when Barry the snout gets to determine which stats are worthy or unworthy

And he did admit so you are misrepresenting the issue

But that lie is more honorable than Pete's lie which shall be forever unforgiven
Charlotte folks - @volbeast33 @jakez4ut others... any recommendations for a downtown restaurant and/or brunch place? Specifically in City Center area. Tia
I’m of no help with that one….. I’m 45 to hour from there and moved to Shelby two years ago….. haven’t made my way around Charlotte yet except for sports related reasons.
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