Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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Burns is a great pitcher. Happy he didn’t sign his pro deal. Especially since Tidwell went down… give other player I haven’t really watched much some praise = awful!!! Burn everything down haha. Whatever dude lmao. Happy we got the win
Not awful. Just noticed you do it with lots of our opponents. I was too harsh. My apologies
Which part?
Memphis snake dodging dance is no joke… 😇
When I lived in Memphis, one of my friends was weed eating his back yard and saw a snake coiled up in the corner of his yard. Like a dumba$$, he put the weed eater on the snake and it wrapped the snake around his legs. You should see the dance he was doing to get it off of him :p:p:p:p. I told him the next time you see a snake in your yard-----run the other way :p:p
Nope, just joking. Can you imagine trying to buy snake venom and having to convince so them that you are not trying to kill somebody with it? 😂

As if my FBI, NSA, and CIA files aren’t already big enough. Homeland security hasn’t been around as long, so my file there is still only on its first volume unlike the others… maybe I have said too much.

(My wife tells everyone including my kids that except for conversations about sports) that I am pretty much full of 🦬 💩 😂

Her saying that is part of my cover byw 🤠
People actually do "microdose" with it because they think it will make them immune. Same concept with snake bite vaccines for dogs. It doesn't work like exposure to pathogens, and instead can cause the person/dog to have anaphylactic shock should they be bitten. This is also observed in humans/dogs that are bitten a second time after an initial recovery. Such as the case of the only snakebite death in TN this century - an idiot who was bitten while handling a copperhead years before and suffered mild effects (as per usual) was bitten again while handling a copperhead, had an allergic reaction, died in minutes.

Also, if anyone gets bitten by a venomous snake just get to a medical facility. Don't worry about bringing the snake in. Don't cut the wound. Don't suck it out. Don't freak out. With our native snakes Time = Tissue Damage. They're pretty mild compared to the rest of the world.
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