Some people can get hyper focused on a single area and just fill in the gaps with nonsense. My brother is in his early 40s and has unmedicated ADHD and possibly something else going on. He can’t focus on competing nearly any task but he’s hyper focused on one topic and doesn’t relent from it. Anytime I talk to him the subject immediately goes to this single topic and he lets me know of all the perceived wrongdoings most of which are just fabricated things he’s filling in the blanks. This can go on for weeks or months then it will pivot to the next obsession. It’s exhausting.
As someone who has ADHD, so they say, I can understand where that can go.
My heart really goes out to him, as, I know the stigma associated with and around that.
I would encourage you, if you wish to understand more - to research how the brain works processing information. It's all about development. As brain matures, it's my understanding that the executive, frontal lobe - hypothalamus regulated functionalities arent governed.
Take for instance emotional regulation. Imagine a CEO or manager who must utilize a stoic resolve in business world. Application of correct emotions in certain situations, more specifically inability of body to regulate emotion vs cognition in stressful situations is problematic for ADHD. They're called executive functionalities.
These are things that develop faster for average folks, even into 20's. There are other items that folks struggle to regulate such as information processing, detail orientation, impulse control, etc.
I explain it like all the fish swimming into the net at once, with 0 filter.
Now, it's incumbent on each individual to learn what it is, how to regulate, and to control one's own behavior to societal standards. Anybdelays in public school system beget massive dropoffs in development. Math typically has to be practiced everyday, as that amount of detail is too much for ADHD folks.
I'm seeing it everyday with my oldest, girl.
Folks with ADHD typically gravitate toward folks that are easy going and laid back. There is a stigma that can be attributed to a lack of understanding. Research has absolutely changed in 30 years. Typically its the individual who internalizes the rhetoric associated with ADHD - that manifest into behavioural or psychological problems later in life.
And that is where real, actual problems occur. That's why I encouraged you, if you havent - to research.