Recruiting Forum Football Talk LVI

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I am ready to see what this team will be like under Pruitt, especially the defense over the next few years if he gets Quay and JJ to anchor it.

I’m not too worried about coming up short on some guys that weren’t even on the radar for us a few months ago. Next year we should expect some big booms if this staff is really what it’s cracked up to be.
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I am still pissed about the tuck call. It is amusing to me that Brady is very close to only winning 2 Super Bowls in 7 tries.

Agree. Can replay that one in my head on demand. Somehow that team got most favored status in the good ole boys club and could do whatever. Hopefully that is ending now.
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This. We are coming off our worst season EVER and are looking to finish our recruiting class in the teens with some huge prospects. All this with a coach who has been full-time with us for less than a month. Some people try too hard to be negative.

This is really what it comes down too. Pruitt and the staff have done an amazing job to get these 5 star guys to even visit.

2019 will be a top 5 class.
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Is it me, or are GNC salespeople the most annoying retail sales people in the world?

It must be company policy or something because every single time I go into one, no matter the location, the salespeople always come from behind the counter and stand there with you, asking what you're looking for, making unsolicited suggestions etc.

Then if you're successful in shoo'ing them away and leaving you alone to pick stuff out like the adult you are, when you go and check out often read over the label and say stuff like "Have you tried _____? It does everything this does but also....."


Yes, I'm anti-social
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Was talking with a guy at my new job and he played football at Cincy and was a senior in Butchs first year there. He said him and the rest of the team absolutely hated Butch. He said Butch loves to stir up drama where there wasn’t a need and even told the senior class that he couldn’t wait until they all left. Told me a story that reminded me a lot of the Daniel Helm story. This isn’t really anything we haven’t heard before but to hear him speak about it confirmed a lot of my thoughts on him.
It drives me crazy how someone can just say “damn it looks like we’re gonna miss out on ____ ”, or expressing general disappointment, they’re lambasted with “omg step off the ledge chicken little”, “legion of miserables can never be happy” blah blah.

Yeah I just asked a question lol. Seems like most people on here want to crap on anything positive a rival program is doing, while they jump on anyone who implies something remotely negative about Tennessee. Just because I don't want to pretend like a 3 star prospect will be the next Cam Sutton doesn't mean I'm negative.
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Yeah I just asked a question lol. Seems like most people on here want to crap on anything positive a rival program is doing, while they jump on anyone who implies something remotely negative about Tennessee. Just because I don't want to pretend like a 3 star prospect will be the next Cam Sutton doesn't mean I'm negative.

You pretend to be a Chief but you're not an Indian..
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You pretend to be a Chief but you're not an Indian..


It's ironic to be lamenting the loss of recruits we never even thought we had a chance at back in December. It will be a tall order to sign the ones we have committed, land Walker and ITS, lure Ogbonnia away from Texas Tech and keep Beal away from LSU or aTm. More than likely, we'll sign Peterson, get a few of the above, maybe take a chance on Gooden and add a few under-the-radar prospects with high upside.
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Gamecocks might miss out on a commited 4 Star player due to academic concerns. SAYs he might go to Marshall instead of JUCo.

Great news because Uscjr can go eff themselves
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It's ironic to be lamenting the loss of recruits we never even thought we had a chance at back in December. It will be a tall order to sign the ones we have committed, land Walker and ITS, lure Ogbonnia away from Texas Tech and keep Beal away from LSU or aTm. More than likely, we'll sign Peterson, get a few of the above, maybe take a chance on Gooden and add a few under-the-radar prospects with high upside.

Getting them to visit means nothing besides they decided to take a free trip. You have to close these deals.

It's possible to say you're disappointed by this year's finish (as it looks right now) and still be positive about recruiting in the future. That's where I fall.
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Instead we pretend like everything that has to do with Tennessee athletics is pie in the sky. We doo doo on people who call a situation for what it is.

I will judge the results as they come. I will judge the staff by the results on the field. As far as signing day, I thought it was Super Bowl Sunday not Signing day 2018. Hate I missed it. So I can judge properly, who did we end up getting yesterday?

You can answer it to KV since you know who we signed yesterday.
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Getting them to visit means nothing besides they decided to take a free trip. You have to close these deals.

It's possible to say you're disappointed by this year's finish (as it looks right now) and still be positive about recruiting in the future. That's where I fall.

If you are more than just a little disappointed Wednesday it is because you raised your expectations too much based on the quality of visitors we were able to get in on short notice. JMO.
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