my personal favorite. and yes, I realize Curb is polarizing.
My list:
Curb, Arrested Development, 30 Rock, Community, Simpsons, Cheers, Rick and Morty, American Dad, BoJack Horseman, Broad City, Master of None
I am convinced Martin is going to die before he finishes GOT. I am not wishing it on him, obviously, but he is in no hurry and, unlike Robert Jordan, has stated he does not want anyone to finish it for him if something should happen to him. I don't know how old Rothfuss is, but I just finished reading the first two books a few months ago. I am going to take Darth's suggestion and do the Tor reread pretty soon.
You can watch all 700 some odd episodes of Greys Anatomy, and will have seen the same five scripts over and over again.
How to write a Greys Anatomy script:
Step 1: Put pictures of the cast on the wall. Throw 4 darts. The first two cast members who you hit will have angst-ridden sex with each other for the next season and a half. Likewise with the next two darts.
Step 2: List every medical problem you can find/imagine: throw 3 darts. Those will be your random patients for the week. Two will die (preferably the ones with close family relationships that the doctors form bonds with).
Step 3: Insert music that would have been trendy 9 months ago.
Congratulations, youre a show runner.