From biggest to smallest:
Fant: 6'2 222 lbs
London: 6'1 213 lbs
Banks: 6'1 211 lbs
Coleman: 6'0 210 lbs
Jordan: 5'11 203 lbs
Chandler: 5'11 201 lbs
Of course you can never be sure how accurate these are and these guys still have a month and a half until WVU so there will be slight fluctuations. That being said, I thought it was interesting that Banks isn't quite as big as I thought. With Fant being the biggest, I'm rooting for him to carve out a role for short yardage situations. Also, I swear Jordan is the bulkiest 203 lbs I've ever seen. Looking at him stand beside chandler, you'd never think they weigh basically the same.