That's scientific. Professor Daniel Kahneman wrote a book called, "Thinking Fast and Slow". He creates an analogy of the way the brain works neurologically by breaking it into 2 systems. System #2 (Slow) is for learning new things, reasoning, following complicated processes, etc. System #1 (Fast) is instinctual, automatic, "Just do it". Playing football in the SEC in System 2 mode will lead to both more mistakes and more injuries, not to mention - chronic frustration. System 2 is for learning in the meeting rooms and practicing techniques, scheme assignments, etc. In the game you have to shut down System 2 and (if you're prepared) trust System 1. SEC football has to be played in survival mode, fight or flight, on the edge. Your brain in surrvival mode is wired through you nervous system to every fiber in your body. Not only will properly developed muscle memory allow you to get "in ithe zone" the brain's primary System 1 function (your survival) will likely keep you from injury. The key to getting into survival mode is simple. You just have to trust yourself and your training/preparation. Its scientific and even cavemen understood that.