Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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Reading Fulmer's comment about us being a reasonably good football team reminded me of the 2018 Fremeau Efficiency Index (FEI) and the analysis it provided based on the strength of our schedule this year. The conclusion was that an elite team would go 10-2 or better against our schedule, a good team would go 8-4 or better, and an average team would end up around 6-6 against our 2018 schedule.

I got Fulmer down for 8-4 or better. :)
I kept hearing outside noise when we hired him that Pruitt was a loose cannon. He seems as cool as an asparagus to me.
I was one of them. I was anti Pruitt and completely based it on rumors I heard from his time at Georgia being insubordinate towards Richt.

Turns out Pruitt was right and Kirby proved that in year 2.

It was also the best thing for Richt who appears hungrier and took back over playcalling at Miami.

We have the stimulus and if he’s successful, I will pound down my crow with Gentleman Jack on big rock and a sign around my neck that says “I have no reason to doubt Fulmer, ever.”
Taking my 5 year oldson to his first game vs ETSU. Any suggestions on parking with a 5 year old?

I forgot the name of the area you can park and basically take a shuttle near the stadium and they pick up and take you back for $5 each. You should be able to look it up or somebody can chime in. Probably the best situation without a parking pass.
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Taking my 5 year oldson to his first game vs ETSU. Any suggestions on parking with a 5 year old?
Hm. I stayed at a hotel downtown. So I'm not real sure. If you can park downtown near market square, there's a shuttle that does run from market square to the stadium for$5. Might check public parking downtown on the web..... And see what you can find.
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I kept hearing outside noise when we hired him that Pruitt was a loose cannon. He seems as cool as an asparagus to me.
It'll be interesting to see how he is if we get smoked in a game or after lose a few. Don't imagine he'd be that pleasant to be around. And that's alright I might add.
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