Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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It's a lot easier to take advantage of streaming companies than cable (which has actual hardware requirements). So I think the market will remain somewhat competitive. Thing is even the most expensive options are still half the cost of traditional satellite/cable companies and less restrictive.

Trying to convince the wife & parents to work the system. One go with Sling, one can get Hulu and the other YouTube and sharing the services would still half all the TV bills and everyone would have full coverage essentially.
Did Drake really photoshop him in an MJ picture? Da Fuq. Cringeworthy.

Dude's a clown, super fair weather fan too. Seen him in the same season rocking Nets/Knicks/Raptors/Cavs...he always changing his jersey to whichever team seems to be popular or winning.

I really don't mind apathetic fans....don't mind die hard fans. But when you start beating a new team drum every season you can gtfo of sports fandom all together.
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Dude's a clown, super fair weather fan too. Seen him in the same season rocking Nets/Knicks/Raptors/Cavs...he always changing his jersey to whichever team seems to be popular or winning.

I really don't mind apathetic fans....don't mind die hard fans. But when you start beating a new team drum every season you can gtfo of sports fandom all together.
He has steph and kd tattoos.
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Also the whole "WetheNorth" bit is so lame.

The franchise has been there for almost 25 years..."bringing new fans to the NBA" is just a polite way to say "look at all these bandwagon fans!" Don't recall seeing the US throwing out "WetheSouth" when the NHL cup was won.

Mini-ranting, just so many Canadian friends are now suddenly celebrating the Raptors title like they actually care. Hate that crap....same folks "don't watch sports" when the team only one 21 games the first season they came into the league.
Do you think Conley will want to be traded?
I think they will want to trade him.

Mutual separation. Sucks for the fans, but we love Mike. Want him to get a Marc deal pt2. Get some good value for him, trade him to a legit but benevolent contender (not in the west please). Mike has done everything for the Grizz and has never gotten the accolades he deserves. I want him to get some hardware.
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