Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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Also the whole "WetheNorth" bit is so lame.

The franchise has been there for almost 25 years..."bringing new fans to the NBA" is just a polite way to say "look at all these bandwagon fans!" Don't recall seeing the US throwing out "WetheSouth" when the NHL cup was won.

Mini-ranting, just so many Canadian friends are now suddenly celebrating the Raptors title like they actually care. Hate that crap....same folks "don't watch sports" when the team only one 21 games the first season they came into the league.

I heard that a Canadian team hasn't won a championship in any of the major sports since the Blue Jays in 1993. Yes, that includes hockey. I think this was a little bigger deal for the country because they were ready to win something.

Edit: I hadn't read far enough and Nash said it first. And when I say "heard," it is true. Not on twitter.
I'm going there Tuesday. I'm scared to death.

Dude. It's like anything else. Stay on the resort property. Plenty to do. If you need to go ride dune buggies? go to Myrtle. there is so much to do, even night clubs on the resort. Want to speak Spanish? Just talk to the resort workers. if you want to do drugs, walk to edge of resort...its all right there.

It's pretty self explanatory. On way to resort you'll see what i'm talking about. They have no law enforcement. AK's are out in the open.
You should be. My Dominican friends tell me Venezuelan and Colombian immigrants are running the country in the ground.

wait. you're telling me different nationalities dont trust one another? xenophobia? when did this happen? i dont believe it.

Narco trafficking isnt new. it isnt worse it isnt better. The violence that follows is endemic to all Latin America and US. It is what it is.
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How many DBs are we taking this year? seems like we’re in on all of them.

Probably 5, maybe 6. Hard to say, because Pruitt wants guys who're versatile, so we could take a bunch of guys who could play multiple positions on both sides of the ball plus contribute on STs. He favors guys who're willing to move around and play where needed. Guys less flexible about where they want to play seem to end up elsewhere.
Dude. It's like anything else. Stay on the resort property. Plenty to do. If you need to go ride dune buggies? go to Myrtle. there is so much to do, even night clubs on the resort. Want to speak Spanish? Just talk to the resort workers. if you want to do drugs, walk to edge of resort...its all right there.

It's pretty self explanatory. On way to resort you'll see what i'm talking about. They have no law enforcement. AK's are out in the open.

Dangerous is one thing but people have died at the resorts for strange “health” reasons lately too. Something like 5-10 in the last year have died and many more people who fell ill but didn’t pass away. CDC is investigating currently. Idk the whole story as I’ve only seen an article or two but all the big outlets are covering it now.

Edit: I wouldn’t be overly worried still but it’s a big story right now.
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I'm going there Tuesday. I'm scared to death.

You should be ok if you do t drink the alcohol. It’s a common practice for resorts to buy “legitimate” alcohol from distributors but the distributors are getting bootleg stuff. I’ve read about this for a couple of years and there was a story from a couple years ago of a boy who had just graduated who drank this alcohol in Mexico and died.
So, don't go into the ocean, don't drink the alcohol, and don't leave the resort. So what is there to do? Pick another island.

Ocean is fine in DR. Although its super close to deep shelf dropoff. Nothing to break up big storms, waves or rip current.

The alcohol is fine. There's plenty of it.

Why would anyone pay for a resort then leave? 🤦🏼‍♂️ You're asking for issues.
Dominican was not great at all. Same beach as many other islands, they were doing construction next to our room, my wife got sick day two and I got sick the day we left. Cozumel/Riviera Maya is superior and safer.
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