Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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I'm out on the NFL. I rewatched the Vols/Bucs game instead. Ignore if tl/dr.

1) The much maligned O-line is not as bad as many claimed. No Bucs physically beat any O-lineman. They played a slant/run blitz style bringing more numbers than our guys could block to one side or the other to get pressure. A few of our guys missed their assignments. Richmond was the first, followed by Ryan Johnson. Carvin was too slow to assignments at times. Hall is not really good at pulling yet. By a large margin the best line combo on the field L-R yesterday was Smith, J-Johnson, R-Johnson, Hall, Tatum. Running lanes opened and pass blocking was solid when they were in together. Richmond can physically handle his job when he makes the right decision on who to block, which should be an automatic, but isn't. So he's interchangeable with Tatum if the issue is physicality. Calbert is lost at what he's doing.
2) The best RB for this O-line at this point is Banks because this O-line is better suited for trench warfare than pulling and trapping. Some quick counters/traps will work the more they do them though. This is not Jordan's style at this point, but he should get better. Really looking forward to seeing what Chandler can do in it. The Banks/Chandler combo could be really special.
3) JG is a bit slow getting the ball out on longer throws and lacks pocket awareness at times. However, he's improved greatly from last year. Having Chryst behind him gives me great comfort.
4) Pope did some nice blocking from FB and Wood-Anderson on the line. We are in good shape at TE IMO.
5) Receivers have taken a huge step forward. Thank you, CDJ, outstanding job. Good routes, good catches, good YAC, good blocking.
6) D-line has not lost physical match-ups in either game. They are just not quick. Shy has been active and Phillips is really good at getting his hands up in passing lanes. Gooden and A-Johnson have proven to be very valuable. D-Johnson needs utilized more as he is a disruptor and Jordan Allen has really good quickness. Kongbo can take a seat if this is all the has.
7) Like the WVU game, the Bucs O was quick passing with more backside runs/cuts. So LB play was limited. I thought Bituli and DKJr did well. We need other ILB's to step up. Ignont did not impress.
8) Bright spot. Even if the Buc QB's were more accurate our guys were in position. Warrior played a very intelligent game. He had opportunities to end the lives of a couple Buc receivers and he chose to be smart/safe/legal. Taylor and Thompson are going to be stars. Theo Jackson and Flowers are both good players with upside. Shamburger should be Star - his ability to make plays is high. Abernathy still takes terrible angles at times and Buchanan recognizes nothing he sees until after it occurs.
9) I cannot make up my mind if Helton doesn't trust JG to change plays or if JG will not do it. When you see one side of the field with 7 defenders and the other side with 4, as a QB you should know to not run or pass the ball to the side with 7. Which is exactly what they did before the storm delay. Same stuff happened against WVU. Every team at that level has calls the QB can make to go same play other side, or check with me's for quick outs or slants. Don't know what's up with this.

Another week of the same coming up to see how it all shakes out before UF.
Agree with most everything except your "this Ol is not that bad" take. They are awful until they ain't no mo...imo.
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Yep. Saban likes Bama because he gets whatever resources he wants and an entire network of bagmen across the state that help him get whatever recruit he wants. Then they pay him obscene money to use it. If it were UT doing that instead he would be here. Dude is a mercenary that couldn’t give one care about Bama and it’s tradition. He’s making millions using a system designed to help him succeed. I’d be willing to bet even a coach like Butch could be all but guaranteed 10 wins every year there. That entire state is behind the program in every aspect.

Are you saying Butch follows Saban. Interesting. Remember though this is a Vol board.
Their reaction to players is driving away a different part of the fanbase like myself. Perhaps they should do away with televising National Anthem. Then there is no controversy. They could sell more TV ad space rather than televise some pointless civic exercise.

And there’s everything I need to know about you. Good day.
A couple observations from yesterday, both offense and defensive line are not good the RB’s have to fight for every yard. I think secondary is going to continue to improve. We’ve got some studs at WR just need to protect jg so that he can throw the ball down the field more. Also Jeremy Banks is gonna be huge in the red zone for us!!
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Agree with most everything except your "this Ol is not that bad" take. They are awful until they ain't no mo...imo.
I haven’t fine back and rewatched the games, but my impression thus far has been that the OL’s struggles have mostly been in mental mistakes and missed assignments. Still not great, but at least it’s correctable. If they can get to the point where they’re all getting the correct assignment, we may be ok up front.

This year shouldn’t be like 2014 where even when guys got their assignments they all got their asses handed to them.
Agree with most everything except your "this Ol is not that bad" take. They are awful until they ain't no mo...imo.
What I saw yesterday was a line that again had troubles with assignments early, adjusted, and improved as the game went on. They had a few plays when they needed a yard or two and made it happen like they should have. Other times it looked like they just couldn’t get the right assignment and enough push.

Keep in mind that we’ve played 2 games and started 2 different centers. Since they make the blocking calls, it’s worth remembering.
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