Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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I keep hoping that he’s gonna take that next step but it’s looking less and less likely.

I’ve probably been most disappointed in the OL play last year and so far this year though.
Same here. Which is weird because during the offseason I was sure our OL would be so bad we wouldn’t be able to keep a QB healthy through September.

The addition of Kennedy and getting Smith and Hall back led to too much hype about the OL, IMO. They still have the upside to be serviceable if they can all just get their assignments down with some consistency though.
Lol I bet Bob dreads the show and doing interviews with him. I love it though. Never have to wonder if he is blowing smoke.
I kinda feel for Bob when he's interviewing Pruitt. He keeps digging and digging for some sort of response worth anything and Pruitt gives him nothing lol.
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So what you're saying is when players chose to make what most of the fanbase does not consider to be a pointless civic exercise into a pointless civic exercise to which owners were forced to respond, then just have another commercial and everyone will be happy?
not even close
I didn’t ignore you. Garbage huh?
Naw..I'm just saying that to lump everybody that is raw and pissed off about some things into the same boat is wrong. I guess I shouldn't have taken it that way..sorry. I want to cheer and be happy too. I just wanted to see..more..from certain parts of this team.
Not much I can disagree with there. :). I think we have another week to hone in on the top 5 combo and then it will be put up or shut up time. The only guy that physically out matched our guys for a quarter was Bigelow of WVU against Kennedy. When they changed the blocking assignments our G's physically matched up fine. They still missed assignments, but it wasn't physicality. Kennedy is now out, so they had to reshuffle to deck and see who can handle the jobs and which combination worked best. IMO, that will happen again this week to make sure.
It's not like they are playing chess out there though. How many options on who to block does each OL have? Usually there are maybe 1-3 on each play for each OL depending on the defensive alignment..right? I don't get how this is that freaking difficult if you have paid any attention to your teaching..that just blows my mind.
Hubbs when asked about our best 5 OL:

I dont know who the best five are. I don’t think chance hall is healthy enough. Richmond hasn’t played well but is Tatum strong enough? I think right tackle is a concern.
It's not like they are playing chess out there though. How many options on who to block does each OL have? Usually there are maybe 1-3 on each play for each OL depending on the defensive alignment..right? I don't get how this is that freaking difficult if you have paid any attention to your teaching..that just blows my mind.
It’s actually more complicated than you’re making it out to be. There is a reason you want consistency (same lineup) on your OL and it takes a while to gel.
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What I saw yesterday was a line that again had troubles with assignments early, adjusted, and improved as the game went on. They had a few plays when they needed a yard or two and made it happen like they should have. Other times it looked like they just couldn’t get the right assignment and enough push.

Keep in mind that we’ve played 2 games and started 2 different centers. Since they make the blocking calls, it’s worth remembering.
Good point about the Center, but its that last line you said that worries/infuriates me..they should be blowing holes that a truck could drive through on a team like ETSU. We should have averaged 7-10 YPC against a team that undermanned.
Don’t think anyone’s stalking. He posted the same comment on 2 different sites, and didn’t get the response he wanted on either. Then back tracked by saying he thought it was just interesting is all.
It’s actually more complicated than you’re making it out to be. There is a reason you want consistency (same lineup) on your OL and it takes a while to gel.
Maybe you're right...I just have trouble thinking you should need much gel against a glorified HS team. That program didn't even exist 3 years ago..It is a team of no stars that should have been picking grass out of it's teeth from the beginning.
Still think Richmond is our best option at RT. He just needs to play better. Steeper learning curve for the younger guys and Tatum needs to put on good weight. They'll be managing Hall's snaps all year, so he'll probably be a rotational player.
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Maybe you're right...I just have trouble thinking you should need much gel against a glorified HS team. That program didn't even exist 3 years ago..It is a team of no stars that should have been picking grass out of it's teeth from the beginning.
I don’t completely disagree, but the problem is it’s never just a situation of blocking a person one on one lined up straight across from you. Do I block down? Do I combo. Do I double. Do I release. Do I pull. Is this 1 Tech my guy or the right guards guy? Do I pick up the LB blitzing A gap or is that the G responsibility or am I expecting the RB to pick him up? Oh crap, the 3 tech is stunting around. Am I supposed to pull on this play?

It isn’t checkers.
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