Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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My impression was he exhibited signs of significant fatigue. I've been there a few times in years past. I think he needs some rest. He's not going to be satisfied until he's got this team playing at a very high level. I have no idea what kind of hours he's working or what all he's having to deal with but I figure Fulmer will keep an eye on him so while I might otherwise be a bit concerned I think we'll be okay. Fatigue can be counterproductive in all kinds of ways.

There might be more to this than folks realize...
I really thought Herman would be successful. Surprised at how poorly that team looks a few years in.

@butchna what’s the deal down there? Is it that hard to win at Texas?
Sounds like he may be one of those guys that’s a great coordinator but just not HC material. Probably too early to definitively say though.
Sounds like he may be one of those guys that’s a great coordinator but just not HC material. Probably too early to definitively say though.
He probably got more credit at OSU and Houston than he deserved. His offense sucks at Texas. And he makes horrible personnel decisions.
eh, i think Brohm is a good coach. there were some tough breaks in that game last night, and i didn't think the officiating was very good overall.

i also don't think Purdue has very many good players aside from that running back....he's pretty darn good.

i will say this, when Purdue scored the TD get it to 31-24, they were lined up on the 1 or 2, and in a shot gun spread formation.

i cringed a little at the thought of that ever being a possibilty again in KNO.
So how is Brohm doing? @Kingston Vol
My impression was he exhibited signs of significant fatigue. I've been there a few times in years past. I think he needs some rest. He's not going to be satisfied until he's got this team playing at a very high level. I have no idea what kind of hours he's working or what all he's having to deal with but I figure Fulmer will keep an eye on him so while I might otherwise be a bit concerned I think we'll be okay. Fatigue can be counterproductive in all kinds of ways.
I agree. He seemed to me like he was just worn out -- like he needed 8 hours uninterrupted sleep.
I still think Buchanan has potential. He's just not living up to it. Ditto Richmond. We don't have the luxury of sitting them when they underperform. We need them in the rotation, even if other players step up.

CJP has to be frustrated to have so many high-potential players who aren't living up to expectations. Richmond, Kongbo, Taylor, Gray, Byrd-- going on and on would be depressing as well as frustrating. Trying to squeeze lemonade out of all these lemons would wear on anybody.
LOL. Not wanting to #bringbackDooley but of UT's ignominious cast of characters over the last decade, I'd rather spend time with Dooley than Hammy, Kiffin, Hart, Butch, Currie or DiPietro-- and it's not even close. And I agree-- he's a good facilities guy and probably would be a good fundraiser. Just not a good HC at a school like UT.
I know I'm in the minority here but I would rather go hit the clubs w Kiffin, should be a blast! Lol
Just trying to give you a hard time, and it was probably difficult to tell. I am an attorney and try not be a jackass. Sometimes, though, you have to stand your ground on some issues when representing a client.
I knew you were. I have attorneys in family. One is a jackass and the other not. 😀
So how is Brohm doing? @Kingston Vol

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