Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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Way to go, Tom. You've just replaced Rommel and "five star hearts" for the worst analogy in recent years.
The Rommel analogy was only a bad one because most people are too dumb to know what he was talking about, and it went over most peoples heads. Some of the gripes about that quote were hilarious because it showed how stupid people were. Ignorance itself is not stupidity, arrogant ignorance is. Dools sucked at coaching, but he is not a stupid man.
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Told a Bears fan on twitter that Trubisky is a garbage QB. He had been hyping him nonstop for months. He unfollowed me. LOL

If I didn't know better, I would think that game was scripted... bears running through GB like hot butter and then on third and one on their most important possession they THROW IT (?) incomplete and kick a field goal. Then discount double check hobbles out there, dances on one foot for 15 Mississippi without ANY holding calls and places a perfect pass right into a wide-open Cobb who magically just dances down the middle of the field, no bear can seem to tackle him and they score... DDC wins it again in a last moment effort... sheesh...
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If I didn't know better, I would think that game was scripted... bears running through GB like hot butter and then on third and one on their most important possession they THROW IT (?) incomplete and kick a field goal. Then discount double check hobbles out there, dances on one foot for 15 Mississippi without ANY holding calls and places a perfect pass right into a wide-open Cobb who magically just dances down the middle of the field, no bear can seem to tackle him and they score... DDC wins it again in a last moment effort... sheesh...
it seemed scripted because we have seen it happen so many times. I will never understand why teams sit on leads...especially when Aaron Rodgers is on the other sideline. That pass to Allison was maybe one of the prettiest throws I have ever seen.
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NC State, FSU, and SC lite could improve as the year goes on but, yeah, otherwise a bunch of cupcakes.

For once, it'd be nice not to have murderers row in the middle of our schedule on an annual basis while we [continue to] try and rebuild...

I'd trade schedules with them in a heartbeat.
If we swapped schedules both teams would finish with similar record. 9-3 or 10-2.
The Rommel analogy was only a bad one because most people are too dumb to know what he was talking about, and it went over most peoples heads. Some of the gripes about that quote were hilarious because it showed how stupid people were. Ignorance itself is not stupidity, arrogant ignorance is. Dools sucked at coaching, but he is not a stupid man.
I think it had more to do with this than the topic...

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