Recruiting Forum Football Talk [RIP 9.3.2019]

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Probably a coincidence but running game and Ol seemed to be better when he was in. Maybe the part of making people around you better getting in right play. It also etsu though. No reason to make a change though JG has looked good. People around him need to help

JG has been good and the oline hasn’t helped much. He just seems timid to me. Of course he did get hit 1000 times last year. Chryst looked more confident in what little time he played.
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i've got a buddy that follows those teams. he follows whoevers winning. It's hard to imagine having 6 different teams to keep up with. Its like theres a diff team whenever someone starts winning.

Miami Football, Lakers Basketball; Federer in Tennis, Wes Ham Futbol (snicker).
LOL. Not wanting to #bringbackDooley but of UT's ignominious cast of characters over the last decade, I'd rather spend time with Dooley than Hammy, Kiffin, Hart, Butch, Currie or DiPietro-- and it's not even close. And I agree-- he's a good facilities guy and probably would be a good fundraiser. Just not a good HC at a school like UT.

You must not know Dave Hart.
Seen posts about depth chart. It's just the lineup from previous game. He did same thing last Monday it was just the west va starting lineup. As we saw this Saturday it's flexible based on what practice is like.
I could be wrong, but thought I read somewhere a couple of weeks ago that Pruitt does not release that depth chart. It’s made by staff members who are at practice all week and give their best guesses.
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I could be wrong, but thought I read somewhere a couple of weeks ago that Pruitt does not release that depth chart. It’s made by staff members who are at practice all week and give their best guesses.
You're completely right on that. It's the SID and his staff I believe who do it, not Pruitt or his coaches.
I haven't been paying attention to USC this year really but they must be pretty bad. Texas is favored by 3 over them this week.
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