Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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REPORT: RIP, Ball State.

Fun fact, the Ball mason jar boys purchased the defunct and foreclosed Indiana Normal Univetsity and became the chief benefactors. School was then renamed after them.
This means we can toast them with a mason-jar beverage before crushing them? Sportsmanship.
It that like Blackberry Farms?

We once looked up the cost to stay there and one of the rooms was like $4,500/night. We said ok that's so cheap why not and booked it for a month. We sold our house and paid it off. Currently homeless, but well worth it.
If you're still sleeping in a blanket down by the river, I saw this here this morning for when you can muster a splurge:
I don't...I like them both.
And, I don't consider either one "gimmick". Both are bona fide, badass alternates, that any school in the country would love to have in their gear. Now, just have to add a black helmet to dark mode...🔥🔥🔥
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