Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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I got in @ $18k. . . can't wait to see a big jump in my .0055 bitcoin. If it ever gets back to $50k, I'll turn my Franklin into 2.5 Franklin's!

As for betting. . . I'll start posting in the betting thread just before the season starts in a few days. Hopefully we can find us a few parlays to slay. Gonna try to stay around +300 to +400.

Got about $20k spread between XRP, ADA, and Bitcoin.

Waiting on those XRP and ADA moonsssss
Morning guys. Haven't posted much the past few weeks due to all the work in our garden and canning etc. Good news is we pulled all the remaining plants up Wed. and then tilled everything . Going to run the tiller back over it later today and then sow it with purple top turnip greens. We've got about 1/2 bushel of field peas left to shell and freeze. Perfect timing just before start of football season! GBO!
So talent and being in shape is now according to how many times you vomit. :)

“Well, Bob, your vitals looks good, and your blood pressure is normal. I will say, though, you look like you’ve gotten a little out of shape over the past year. Are you puking three times a day like we talked about?”
Back in my day, I checked out college football preview mags for kids (I swear they existed back in 1999-2002, I remember checking them out vividly) and Goosebumps novels.
Actually maybe they weren’t for kids. I remember stealing this old magazine (it was 2 years old for Christ sake) when I was in kindergarten and my dad ripping me a new ******* when he found out.
“Well, Bob, your vitals looks good, and your blood pressure is normal. I will say, though, you look like you’ve gotten a little out of shape over the past year. Are you puking three times a day like we talked about?”
Hey! Who’s the Barber here?
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