Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Not a round house. This is effective cuz 9/10 times the shot you get knocked out by is not the hardest but the one you don’t see
Give us a 1 word reaction to the following Ball St outcomes next next Thursday:

TN 52
Ball St 45

TN 57
Ball St 34

TN 63
Ball St 21

TN 70
Ball St 6


I don’t like it that 3rd stringers played all but the first two snaps of the game but just get the damn dub.
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we're gonna get their ass.

add what you see above to what Narduzzi has been saying this offseason...

The Pitt game might end up looking like the South Carolina game. I think we're going to race away from them in the 1st quarter and they'll have to get off of this all-run, anti-pass mentality that Narduzzi is doubling down on. Then we got em right where we want em.

I think I'll watch this again:

Can't believe they split coach of the year.
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