Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Was always his 2nd choice. But he didn't choose to leave here from "the word" that's the point.

Acting like an ex just doesn't do us any good. There's no point to it. It just looks like if you "decide to transfer" (even when it isn't true) the fans are just going to be jerks and harrass a kid.

Jmo but just let it go ffs. You're letting the situation live rent-free if you play into it.
For craps sake man...I hate Alabama with the heat of thousand burning suns...he left us and went there...he is one of them, so I hate him.

How in the crap do you not understand that?
Team, Bama fans are scared. My buddy who is a life long Bammer, who is a level 10 shiz talker has been QUIET this week. I’ve been sending all sorts of propaganda his way to prod and NOTHING. Skeered.

Many others at work. Nothing. I’ve not experienced this in YEARS!
Experiencing the same from some co-workers. Before the season started they just knew they’d mop the floor with us. Now they’re quiet as a muted tv.
Players have been getting compensated since all-time. And 100% of them have been paid cash since 2015.

Buut I've never understood that as an argument as to why people should lower themselves to attacking others either. The fact that he reportedly didn't have a choice in this case means a lot imo as well. Just imo.

People can let him live rent-free and make us look like jealous exes if they want. I just don't think it's a good look for the fanbase. Would be better if we just ignored it. But meh
You are more than welcome to ignore him all you want
And.....we are more than welcome to be petty and hate the commie that transferred in conference to one of our biggest rivals. Are we telling you how to be a fan? What makes you all high and mighty in telling everyone else in how to be a fan?

Fun to go back and read responses. I was wrong as well. Sorry @nicksjuzunk but I’ll never forget your response. “Emerging, like a turd blossoming from the anus.” All of us and everyone except DW were way off.

I don't remember being negative at all towards the hire, admittedly I wasn't really excited about it except for the fact that I was ecstatic that it wasn't Franklin. After I did just a little research I did start getting excited about the possibility .
CH playing chess…..” not going to play CT unless he is 100%”

Your move Saban with BY.

i really don’t believe this game is the most important game for either of us. We don’t go to Atl unless we beat UGA most likely, so why risk Tillman in this game. Same for Bama and BY. They can lose this game and still go to Atl, so why risk him if he’s not 100%?
Best way to get back at Henry T. is to point and laugh at him as he walks off the field with his head down after taking that big L in Neyland.
I would prefer one of our players shake his nuts in Toots face after barreling over him for a TD.

Not that I'm vindictive.
i really don’t believe this game is the most important game for either of us. We don’t go to Atl unless we beat UGA most likely, so why risk Tillman in this game. Same for Bama and BY. They can lose this game and still go to Atl, so why risk him if he’s not 100%?
Another major boost for perception. Maybe not as big for going to Atlanta but for national perception it’s huge. For a lot of people it would probably certify that we’re back.
Its so weird to go so long without really feeling like you have a chance.

Florida's streak sucked and was probably more heart wrenching more often but we at least had hope in a lot of those games. We competed.

The lack of hope is what really hurts. It has been so hopeless against Bama for so long. You cant even say anything to them.

I'm done with it. Enough is enough.

Vols strike back Saturday. Puts the CFB world on notice.

I've said it for a long time but its still true. The Vols arent really back til we beat Bama. Only one door gets us to the other side. Gotta bust through it and take back our place.

The red team is going down.
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