Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Yeah, other schools have been more prolific field stormers than UT. We had a $250K fine last year for the mustard bottles and golf ball, but that was under a different policy-- in-venue alcohol availability. Sankey raked UT over the coals for it and tried to make an example of it. UT had to revise policies and procedures to atone.

If Sankey had looked in the mirror at his officiating, then he could have prevented it. Arrogance at its finest.

Has anyone seen Marc Curles this year? Nope.
Yeah, other schools have been more prolific field stormers than UT. We had a $250K fine last year for the mustard bottles and golf ball, but that was under a different policy-- in-venue alcohol availability. Sankey raked UT over the coals for it and tried to make an example of it. UT had to revise policies and procedures to atone.
And now our NIL collective is meming about it. Legends.
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Big whoop. 😂. You want a policy? I can do that.

It was actually ridiculous. UT had to try and track down all available footage from staff, media and fans to identify the throwers and ban them from the stadium, in addition to coming up with a formal plan to prevent future incidents. The amount of busywork and meaningless paperwork was supremely unappreciated by UT admin, especially the Chancellor (and I'm sure the interns).
Every time I’ve sang Rocky Top this week I’ve scored with my wife, so there may be something to this…

I am going to try this.... What could go wrong?

I'll admit Saban is the GOAT (in modern football) in my opinion. That's why Saturday was so great. It cracks me up when people argue "it's cause he's got all dem cruits!" No **** shirlock, recruiting is half their job.
He is the GOAT

It was actually ridiculous. UT had to try and track down all available footage from staff, media and fans to identify the throwers and ban them from the stadium, in addition to coming up with a formal plan to prevent future incidents. The amount of busywork and meaningless paperwork was supremely unappreciated by UT admin, especially the Chancellor (and I'm sure the interns).
i'd like to say i can only imagine, but i can. i think that's just what happens sometimes when you know there's nothing you can do, but you think you have to do something, so it basically comes off as punitive more than anything else, certainly more than anything truly preventative, and you still don't actually address the issue at hand....the officiating. but, Sankey did something, so there you go. and in the end, nothing changes.
The conference hates teams storming the field. I'm sure Sankey will use the Burton incident to further chastise UT for "failure to implement procedures to ensure compliance with SEC policy." Sankey has the power to enforce stricter penalties for violations. It wouldn't be surprising to see him put school admins on notice that he will do so, especially since the fines are relatively inconsequential to SEC schools.
I’m sorry, but you can have all the procedures in place you want, but when 100,000 fans decide they are storming the field, there is no stopping it…unless you have security start firing guns. Don’t think we want that. It would have been harmless, except a Bama thug can’t accept defeat but has to take it out on some innocent fans. That’s a him problem not an us problem.
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