Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Long post incoming:

Agreed on after 25 part and the fact that I wouldn't hesitate to draft him if I was a GM in the 1st round, but it’s also fair to say that the bulk of QBs start their downward slope after let’s say early 30s. Very few QBs, regardless of age, are drafted in the 1st round and into a good situation for them. There is a learning curve in the NFL that most QBs struggle with a bit in year 1. Usually it’s year 2 or 3 until you really start to see it.

So let’s say it takes one year for Hooker to get going and year 2 he’s a good to great NFL QB. He’d be 26ish at that point.

Now look at how many starting QBs in the NFL right now are over 30. There are 12. One is a straight up outlier and I’m not even sure is human so let’s throw him out (Tom Brady). Two are only starting because of injuries or suspensions (Brissett and Garoppolo). Two are former starters but really are only starting because the team didn’t have better options but have actually played well this year (Geno Smith and Carson Wentz). So right now if you look there about 7 LEGIT starting QBs over 30 that have been starting QBs most of their career and aren’t superhuman (Tom Brady). Those 7 are: Matt Ryan, Aaron Rodgers, Russell Wilson, Kirk Cousins, Ryan Tannehill, Derek Carr, Matthew Stafford.

You could argue that half of that list is already starting to show they are on a slippery slope to being retired.

So that’s just age 30. If you then bump it to say 33, then that list drops 6 QBs (not counting Brady) left that are current starters and have been their entire career essentially.. and over half that list will not be playing in 2-3 years time.

So even being generous and saying Hendon would play til he’s 33 at a high, starting QB level in the NFL that would be 8 seasons. 1-3 of those seasons could still be learning years unless he hits the ground running, which is possible. If he doesn’t hit the ground running and it takes say 2 years. That’s 6 seasons left until he maybe starts to show a downward trend due to age. You’d be making the 2nd contract decision on a 29-30 years old QB. Do you give max money for a 5 year deal where you may only get 2-4 years of elite play? Probably. Great QBs don’t grow on trees, but it’s a tough decision.

This is what the scouts are looking at and why some are hesitant to draft an older QB in the 1st round.

My take: I think if he goes in the 1st round it will be later in the round to an established team that is really just a QB or a couple pieces away from making playoff runs. I WOULD draft him in the 1st round if I was a QB needy team no matter what, but I think GMs will be a bit scared. I hope they take the gamble.

All good stuff here and no disagreement.

I've already mentioned it and I'll point it out again. A lot of GMs/Owners want to "strike gold" with the rookie deal on QBs, because if they win they look like geniuses and if they miss well it was the 1st contract of a rookie deal and pretty cheap "just to see" Plus if you look at QB careers overall I'd say 6 years is a high estimate for average. So most the scouts and teams are looking for the right QB to draft that they get great return from on that first rookie deal (3-6 year deals at best). And an older guy with more college experience in that case isn't as big of a risk as a guy with limited college experience that's still young.
The conference hates teams storming the field. I'm sure Sankey will use the Burton incident to further chastise UT for "failure to implement procedures to ensure compliance with SEC policy." Sankey has the power to enforce stricter penalties for violations. It wouldn't be surprising to see him put school admins on notice that he will do so, especially since the fines are relatively inconsequential to SEC schools.

Someone on here joked that we would probably get in trouble for the Burton incident.
Should? No. Might? Depends on the words and the context, obviously.

I have a son, no daughter. But if I did, I think "Don't get in people's face and antagonize them or they might hit you" is way better advice than "Do whatever you want because men don't hit women". Especially considering the latter is unfortunately not true, as we can see here. Men should never hit women and women should never antagonize men to the point where they need to actively exercise that restraint. I don't find that statement remotely unreasonable, sorry.

And you have proof she did this or are you just making it up? Either way, hitting someone for their scary, harmful words doesn't make sense. Sorry.
Yup, he’s a true pruitt level gump. Definitely was never a Volunteer. It’s a shame that any of us were upset when he left. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Wouldn’t trade any of our LBs for him. Not even any walkon. He showed his true colors when he left. Most likely had to…cemented when he said just business. Also showed how poor a sport he was when he ran away after the loss. If he were a real man, he would have come to the locker room to congratulate his former teammates. (I do understand leaving the field when all the students stormed out, could have been dangerous) He’s just like his mentor. Pruitt would do the exact same thing.

Being a little vindictive here, but if I were the Tennessee admin, I would wait until bama rehires pruitt at dc. Then demand a show cause from the ncaa. 😈 Of course, part of me wants to see his bama defense fall apart trying to stop CJH’s Volunteer offense. It will be glorious.

Anybody know if Pruitt is "officially" under a show cause with the NCAA? I mean he is playing poker for a living or something like that.
I think he is pushing his way toward the 2nd or first round of the draft…. The biggest complaints/concerns about Hooker is his arm strength and possibility of him being a “system” qb.

I think most people with knowledge of the game don't see Heupel's offense as a "system" like a Mike Leach air raid is, Heupel QBs have to read defenses, push the ball deep and be accurate. They also have to look off defenders and do all this with tempo. Short of reps under center it's all things that translate to great NFL QBs.

Air Raid on the other hand is short routes and quick throws with pretty rare opportunities to read the coverage, it's almost always predetermined targets.
We need to absolutely annihilate Kentucky. Their OL is bad and we need to hit Levis often. We are good against the run. Absolutely can’t let them have the satisfaction of playing us close much less beat us.
What you said here I agree 💯. This is a recipe for disaster for UK. Levis will have a long night
This was exactly what I thought when the Burton videos came out, even though the VAST majority of activity was fun and safe.

I'm sure it goads Sankey that the SEC schools fined have been so cavalier about it. And now you have Saban whining about it on record-- bringing up aTm storming the field after beating Bama last year, then UT this year. Saban actually complained about suffering 3 bruises at aTm last year. I mean, who counts the bruises and specifies a number a year later? Bama hasn't stormed the field, so he feels virtuous staking his flag way up on that high ground.
I'm sure it goads Sankey that the SEC schools fined have been so cavalier about it. And now you have Saban whining about it on record-- bringing up aTm storming the field after beating Bama last year, then UT this year. Saban actually complained about suffering 3 bruises at aTm last year. I mean, who counts the bruises and specifies a number a year later? Bama hasn't stormed the field, so he feels virtuous staking his flag way up on that high ground.
So Saban got a boo-boo?

I believe that's instant probation for multiple SEC programs.
The conference hates teams storming the field. I'm sure Sankey will use the Burton incident to further chastise UT for "failure to implement procedures to ensure compliance with SEC policy." Sankey has the power to enforce stricter penalties for violations. It wouldn't be surprising to see him put school admins on notice that he will do so, especially since the fines are relatively inconsequential to SEC schools.

Hey Sankey, here's how many flips we give....

UT Zero.gif
Would y’all please slow down!!!
The conference hates teams storming the field. I'm sure Sankey will use the Burton incident to further chastise UT for "failure to implement procedures to ensure compliance with SEC policy." Sankey has the power to enforce stricter penalties for violations. It wouldn't be surprising to see him put school admins on notice that he will do so, especially since the fines are relatively inconsequential to SEC schools.
It is a potentially very dangerous situation, so I get it. Fortunately for us, it's not an every year thing.
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