Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Afraid I may be like the Vol fan that tore his ACL. Ankle isn’t healing. Any advice based on the pic @VolsDoc81TX ?
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Where do you live? I am a PT and many states now have direct access (you can go to a PT without MD orders for varying amounts of time). I’d crowd source your area for the best PT. Call them and tell you want an assessment. Could save you some coin.

Before then, Ice and elevate.
Anthony Davis, USC
tell me where I said anything about this is ok?
My take is if she presses charges he should be arrested for assault and I would have no problem if the SEC forces UT to file criminal trespassing charges on her. In fact I would expect the SEC make changes in the fines from this point loss of scholarship for that sport. There is way to much emotion on the field after games, it is a powderkeg waiting to blow.

Taking a way a scholarship for a team when the team can’t control any of that is a bit unreasonable. The AD posting messages for fans not to rush, and social media campaigns about not rushing, etc is all fine, but if the fans decide to rush you won’t be able to stop them. You could post officers shoulder to shoulder along the wall and if that wall of fans pushed to the wall and rows of people start jumping over, the fans will win, every time. Hell, this way is actually even more dangerous than just letting the fans on the field.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t be figuring out ways to stop fans from rushing, I do get the concern around it, I’m just saying punishments against the team and not the athletic department isn’t the right approach, IMO.
Another trivia question.....for you "older Guys" like myself.

11 Vols played in The WFL from 1974-1975.

Name them...........

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