Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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yeah, that looks like it sucks.
The sprain is the thing that hurts tbh. I walked up stairs on it without a boot cause I thought it was a sprain. Then I walked all over the urgent care center like an ass. Then the doctor gave me two popsicle sticks and taped it until I got with an Ortho the next morning lolol
You may or may not need pins. I didn't but I was 23. I just got a boot and hobbled around for a few weeks and the muscles formed it back. But it's still a little tighter than my other ankle now at 34.

Broke both bones clean just above the ankle. Eight screws, a plate, and four weeks later I was good as new. Ok, that's not true. Bone was healed, but soft tissue damage took two years to get mostly right. That was 25 years ago. Still a bit stiff, but generally like the other leg.

But when the plate or screw heads get
UK is also the worst OL in the conference outside of Vandy. Vols D has the highest pressure rate in the conference also.

Luckily for Bama they have a ninja at QB and that dude got himself out of trouble the entire game. Could have been sacked about 5 more times pretty easily. Nobody else we play can do that. Kid is incredible.
agreed. against a mortal man, our defense likely gets home several times, kinda like the LSU and Pitt games, imo. and i think if i were UK, that would worry the crap out of me since that guy has been getting his brains beat in by lesser pass rushers/d lines all seasson.

the one feather they have is having Crod back. he's a load and i don't know what his final stats were, but he had some great, physical runs against MSU the other night. their only hope is to play keep away, and like they learned last year, that don't always mean what you think it means........

i'm looking forward to that game.
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I think Chad Fields killed it with this mock up.
i like that better than i think i would the blue solid strip. you could replace the "vols" on the facemask with the lady vols logo for a cool accent too.

but yeah, that's not bad. outline the numbers on the jersey with a blue accent....i'd leave the pants alone.



Judgy post feels judgy.
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