Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Know matter how much they prepare, they have no idea what is coming down the tracks. Tennessee is the better team and I won't be surprised if we win by 14+.
wouldn't surprise me a bit. they aren't built to score 50 and I think they may very well have to score 50 to beat us. they can try and shorten the game but it won't matter, we hung 45 on uk in 15 minutes last year..........and we are a much better team now.
The thought of our secondary trying to tackle any of their TEs is a nightmare….

But, their offense is just tons of misused/under used/poorly coached talent… A bit what I’d imagine if they gave Pruitt control of Alabama would look like.

Neiko Slaughter says hi!

Jaylin McCollough whispers I’m baaaack 👿
When Slaughter cut the UK receiver in half and we got the INT, I yelled out unlike I’ve yelled out in a UT game in a long time. I sat in stunned disbelief for several seconds after the Bama game.

It’s nice to be excited again. (@Glitch)
I was watching the game at a friend's house. His cat had just jumped on my lap when Slaughter made the hit and I let out a loud "Oh!" That cat took off like a bolt of lightning. Good thing, tho. I let out a second loud "Oh!" when I saw Ju-ju Mitchell had made the pick off the hit. Felt bad I had scared the cat, but in those situations, I lose control of my responses, lol.
Not celebrating early… just remembering where we’ve been the last 15 years and taking a second to reflect and enjoy with a glass of one of my favorites.

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I have a Macallen 18 I’m saving for when we win a championship, either conference or national.

I was close to opening it after the Bama game but was too drunk to enjoy it, lol
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