Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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This is the best stat I have seen today.
This guy was ready

One of the best things of our season right now, is seeing all the douche bags in the media that scorched us in the coaching debacle of 2017. That’s when I finally quit lurking (wasn’t long) and joined. I couldn’t stand watching them using their media voice to mock us any longer without posting something.
I go back to the College Game Day when Herbie had Heup out there before the Bama game and he asked Heup did he have a sleepless night thinking about Bama and Heup replied ,No I slept good with a smile. I told my wife right then, he is not scared or worried about Bama stopping his offense. Heup is just that confident in what he is doing. I think he knows he can out scheme any of these coaches, including bowl cut

Good Lord. When did Kirby gain all that weight? He was never skinny but he has ballooned. Also looks like he's aged 10 years. I'm not kidding. That interview clip genuinely surprised me. With all the fat jokes Dawg fans have been making, I had no idea they had no room to talk.

With regards to Heupel... I had told a buddy of mine who is a USC fan (trojans) after we beat Florida that one of the things that had me excited was that we seemed to be turning things around with a guy I didn't have to force myself to tolerate/pretend to like and that between the offense and JH's personality it made things much easier to be patient (at that point I had no idea we were going to go on to beat both LSU and BAMA or that we would improve as much as we have between game 1 and now). We had joked about the Vols and Trojans meeting in the playoffs without having a real notion that it could be a legit possibility for either. We were both just excited to have respective coaches that seemed to know what they were doing.
Just stop and think about these things for a minute:
-Kiffin bolts
-"I have a level of expertise and a level of information no one else has"
-We had a coach not recruit on OL and coach from a stool
-Grumors and the Beav
-Plane tracking
-Who we gonna trott out?
- More plane tracking
- Brick by brick a coach built 5 star hearts
-He wasn't a grass expert
-We had players falling on helmets
- Schiano Sunday
- More Grumors
- We became experts at tracking planes and offered to teach other universities
-We hired a Bammer that didn't know what asparagus or offense was 'aight
-We lost to Georgia State 'aight
-Currie hired a pirate but we fired Currie before he hired a pirate so we didn't hire a pirate
- More plane tracking practice
- We hired a dude as AD that hires his coach from his previous school. Who would have thought this move would be the one to bring us to #1 in the college football world after 21 games.

There is a ton more that many of you could add to this list. My point is we've been through a lot. Our players have been through more. But I'm glad to have gone through it with you knuckleheads. Well at least most of you 🤣🤣🤣. Vol til I fall!

Go Vols!
I’ll take the blame for it. I coaxed him out of hiding.
Hey, no need to convince me, if there was a VN vote for the next mod chosen, my vote was going to you. Keep that in mind when you get chosen and you waver when you read any of my posts with the ban hammer. I was always on your side 😉. I have a little cash to slide under the table also.
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