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What a punk

Drag him VOL Twitter
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This was the first time I'd heard of him and his controversy but apparently he's the reason we were ranked #2 and him repeatedly voting BAMA ahead of us is a thing that hasn't gone unnoticed even by those around him. He even tried to drag ND's coach into his self-created mess.

Per an article I found on the mess he's created (the link gives you a fuller backstory if you're interested):

"It’s got so bad with Berardino that even Notre Dame head coach Marcus Freeman threw some shade at him last week over not having Tennessee ranked higher."

"I don’t know Berardino and I’ve never met him so I don’t want to suggest he has an anti-Tennessee bias (and I really don’t think that’s the case). What I think is that he’s trying to get too cute and “original” with his vote and it’s led to this silly ranking. I also think he’s, to some extent, letting an Alabama superiority bias creep into his thought process."
------/end snippet-----

But I'm thinking the real reason for that particular tweet today is that one of his media colleagues passed this on to him and/or taunted him with it (I'm completely guessing here but the shoe does fit!):

The only thing that isn’t in Tennessee favor is

Georgia Saturday
Most likely Bama in the SECCG
And one of the two in the playoff again.

Beating Bama 3 times will be tough.

That’s what is different about this team…..they continue to get better every week.

I think they look forward playing whoever is in their way.
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