Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Good morning you bunch of winners and fans of the #1 team in the country!

Have an idea for all of us to join in on to help support our #1 football program: if we win Saturday, let’s all commit to donating the amount of points we score to Spyre as an one time donation. Who’s with me?
This was the first time I'd heard of him and his controversy but apparently he's the reason we were ranked #2 and him repeatedly voting BAMA ahead of us is a thing that hasn't gone unnoticed even by those around him. He even tried to drag ND's coach into his self-created mess.

Per an article I found on the mess he's created (the link gives you a fuller backstory if you're interested):

"It’s got so bad with Berardino that even Notre Dame head coach Marcus Freeman threw some shade at him last week over not having Tennessee ranked higher."

"I don’t know Berardino and I’ve never met him so I don’t want to suggest he has an anti-Tennessee bias (and I really don’t think that’s the case). What I think is that he’s trying to get too cute and “original” with his vote and it’s led to this silly ranking. I also think he’s, to some extent, letting an Alabama superiority bias creep into his thought process."
------/end snippet-----

But I'm thinking the real reason for that particular tweet today is that one of his media colleagues passed this on to him and/or taunted him with it (I'm completely guessing here but the shoe does fit!):


I believe he's doing it to get exactly what he's getting...the attention. Like so many "journalists" today, he's made himself the news.

I liked the segment he did with Josh Ward there. Now that I think about it—he has the name, so why not Josh Ward as the Voice and Swain doing color? I would absolutely listen to that over any TV broadcast.

We have the #1 team, the #1 stadium, the #1 atmosphere, the #1 fan base, the #1 program across the board…let’s complete this.
This makes no sense. NONE.

Yes, yes it does!

8-0 😎 with an absolutely amazing shutdown of kentucky wildcats. I think that the team let them enjoy the first touchdown march for fun. Then blocked the extra point as a taste of the rest of the game. Then absolute domination by our defense and 37 points more by our offense while taking their foot off their gas.

After the uga game, CJH will be brought before the SPCA with the way we are treating all these animal teams… 😈 They may have a legitimate case, seriously look at how we have treated Cardinals, Panthers, zips (kangaroos), gators, bayou bengals, elephants, Skyhawks, widcats, soon to add dawgs, tigers, gamecocks, and commodores ( the last isn’t an animal, but we’re going to be mean to them too.)


Do you believe? Time to join in for the fun!
Just stop and think about these things for a minute:
-Kiffin bolts
-"I have a level of expertise and a level of information no one else has"
-We had a coach not recruit on OL and coach from a stool
-Grumors and the Beav
-Plane tracking
-Who we gonna trott out?
- More plane tracking
- Brick by brick a coach built 5 star hearts
-He wasn't a grass expert
-We had players falling on helmets
- Schiano Sunday
- More Grumors
- We became experts at tracking planes and offered to teach other universities
-We hired a Bammer that didn't know what asparagus or offense was 'aight
-We lost to Georgia State 'aight
-Currie hired a pirate but we fired Currie before he hired a pirate so we didn't hire a pirate
- More plane tracking practice
- We hired a dude as AD that hires his coach from his previous school. Who would have thought this move would be the one to bring us to #1 in the college football world after 21 games.

There is a ton more that many of you could add to this list. My point is we've been through a lot. Our players have been through more. But I'm glad to have gone through it with you knuckleheads. Well at least most of you 🤣🤣🤣. Vol til I fall!

Go Vols!

Hahaha. Orange dog, shower discipline, opportunity is nowhere, flabby flexing pics, crowder 5, 13 players on the field, Music City Bowl game ending, beating UGA and FL only for the team to fall apart at SCar, McDonalds bags, coaches punching players, former coaches smoking cigars on TSiO…….

What a nightmare. Feels good to look at all of that and laugh.

Love this team and look forward to them stacking more wins on the way to 15-0.
This morning at work one of my Dawg fan coworkers in unsurprising week before the game fashion was trying to talk up how tonight’s game was a “look ahead” and “let down” game for Tennessee. That the match up was not great for us because “bad pass defense, 1st round QB, haven’t played a defense like *insert next opponent here*, etc ”

Man was looking for a reason for UT to stumble because he and all of the UGA faithful are SCARED. Even though I told him that my worry about the UK game was a 1/10, he held strong to those beliefs.

I can’t wait to become community menace number 1 down here in doggy land after we go down to Athens and whip that ass next weekend.

One of my partners went to med school at Vandy, asked how it would feel if we were undefeated going into the vandy game and vandy pulled theupset? When I quit laughing, I told him that we were going to checkerboard the vandy stadium and then tear down their goal posts to celebrate.
He seriously responded that their students would tear down the goalposts if they won…I responded all 5 of them? 😂 He joined me in laughing.

Prekentucky, he said he thought it would be a good close game. I said WGWTFA, that it would be a great game but only for Tennessee. He played football at Princeton as a DB. He is really smart. Has never seen anything like our offense. Absolutely thinks HH deserves the Heisman. Other than the vandy bias, a really great guy.

I still believe in

15-0 🤠
Hahaha. Orange dog, shower discipline, opportunity is nowhere, flabby flexing pics, crowder 5, 13 players on the field, Music City Bowl game ending, beating UGA and FL only for the team to fall apart at SCar, McDonalds bags, coaches punching players, former coaches smoking cigars on TSiO…….

What a nightmare. Feels good to look at all of that and laugh.

Love this team and look forward to them stacking more wins on the way to 15-0.
Where's Rommel?
"I know where the bones are buried."
Bahama Jon
Losing to Vandy and Kentucky multiple times.
Chancellor Bev Davenport getting fired for hiring Fulmer.
I'll say it again. All the coaches that took a pass on coming here (as if we're a second tier school)...hahaha

I want to sincerely thank all the coaches that turned Tennessee down. I absolutely mean it. I am also thankful that the AD didn’t listen to the fans. I actually want to thank kiffin/dooley/butch/pruitt for taking us to the absolute bottom. Without them, I don’t think we would be as thankful for where we are now.

The worst part is that we are just scratching the surface of our potential! 😎 Ghe worst part for them that is…

15-0 🤠
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