Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Are you serious? How the heck does this guy have a vote? He sounds like a sexually frustrated college kid on a message board. What a clown.
People this sensitive need to stay out of the media. It’s like people not wanting to get punched in the face taking up the boxing profession.
I haven’t watched Missouri any this year. They gave GA problems. Was it more GA being sloppy, or do they seem to be improving?
Improving imo. Got a ranked W over South Carolina last week.

Their losses are by 38 to Kansas State,
3 in OT during that weird finish at Auburn,
7 at Florida,
And 4 to Georgia.

They get Kentucky at home this week before we play them, and I think it'll be a good gauge for where they're at. They have a pretty stout defense.
Mizzou has a very good Dline that gave UGA problems all game....UGA's offense couldn't get in a rythym until the 4th quarter.

Sounds familiar.

UT Run Defense: 9th
Mizzou Defense: T-26th

UT Sacks: T-33rd
Mizzou Sacks: T-66th

UT TFL: T-33rd
Mizzou: T-15th

Our DLine is just as good or better than Mizzou DLine and they held UGA to 169 yards on about 4.8 YPC. Personally, I think we can hold them to less.
A lot of people in Ohio have been telling me they are rooting for the Vols. I think there is room for any non Bama/UGA/UF frans on the bandwagon. If people want on the Tennessee bandwagon from these schools, they probably aren't actually fans of these schools.

I welcome any and all aboard. UT is the Belle of the ball right now but for many folks it might be the first time they've fallen in love with a college team. A lot of us take for granted either being raised a fan or becoming a Vol as a student but think about how a lot of us wound up fans of various pro teams. For many it was as simple as falling in love with a team or a player and becoming attached to it.

When I was a kid, I was a huge Reds fan because I was a fan of Pete Rose. I played 1st base and occasionally short stop or third on my softball team and in my little kid mind Rose as a player and manager was the best. My best friend was a Braves fan and one of my cousins a Yankees fan (and not when they were in their super dominant form although the Yankees have always had the weight of history) but we all had different reasons for being fans of our teams but ultimately all of us being from E. TN simply picked a team that caught our eye or really liked a player on that team. I don't follow baseball now but that has more to do with me refusing to watch once Rose was banned (always felt the punishment was too much for the crime) and the baseball strike pushing back the season than anything else. Otherwise I'd probably still be at least a casual fan and the Reds would've likely stayed my team.

Tennessee is playing an exciting brand of football right now and the passion of our fanbase is unrivaled. People are going to be drawn in and I think we should welcome them. Once a college team gets its hooks into you it's hard to step away. There's too much to the connections we make to one another and the fandom we share for it to be any other way. We have new family about to join us - this season is their baptism and many of them will be a part of our family from now on. To me, that's exciting!
I want to sincerely thank all the coaches that turned Tennessee down. I absolutely mean it. I am also thankful that the AD didn’t listen to the fans. I actually want to thank kiffin/dooley/butch/pruitt for taking us to the absolute bottom. Without them, I don’t think we would be as thankful for where we are now.

The worst part is that we are just scratching the surface of our potential! 😎 Ghe worst part for them that is…

15-0 🤠
I get what you're saying, and agree with the rest....but I just can't agree with the part

Heupel sure doesn't sound like a guy who's looking to go anywhere. He sounds like a guy who loves where he's at, is excited about what they've accomplished, is confident about where the program's going and is already planning how to get there. IDT he's worried about getting what he needs at UT.
To add to this I think he really likes his boss too. That's huge for most people.
Was it even coaches? Looked like fans or dads. I'm guessing that was it or the footage would have kept going.

I must be missing the brawl. I see too coaches (?) play fighting and HS kids trying to separate them. There's got to be more to this than that particular footage. Maybe a backstory we don't know about? I've seen far worse during UGA-UF games.
Bob Kesling needs to be given the gold watch. When I hear John Ward's voice, it sends shivers down my spine and brings tears to my eyes even now. After this undefeated season, he needs to retire.

The reason it is time to retire is because he has not improved. He's still the same interim voice that does not work at it like John did his entire career. It's OK, he did not choose himself for the job, some other less than competent people did.

But it's time to make the change.

We deserve for the Voice of the Vols to be great again. We earned it. We are still here fighting for our guys, our school, after being tossed aside and ignored. We deserve Randy, Donde, Danny, Josh, all of this great coaching staff and VFL's that give their all for Tennessee. They deserve our total support and we deserve theirs.

Somewhere, there is a man who has prepared and waited his whole life for the opportunity to be the Voice of the Vols heard around the world. Think big. Let the Lord raise up the right guy. May it be as obvious to the leadership as it was to hire Josh, Rick Barnes and Tony Voltello.
I haven't really listened to Bob very much, but some of the clips I had heard had me thinking that he's not really too bad. Then I listened to the end of the Bama game, and 1) I could understand every word he said, and 2) "oh the jubilation"....
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