Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Dr Pepper needs to switch this thing up… have them kick one from 15 for 250k or something.

15? Lol. When I was in HS I could kick one from 40+ without any rush easily. Could do that when I was 40. Would go to a field with my youngest kiddo when he was in middle school and was kicking for his team (played both offense & defense also). Would consistently hit 35-40 yarders with him.

He’s now 22 and I’m….well…old. So now…not so much. Lol
Of which he didn't have much to do with...context matters. Before you say it, yes I know those deep balls helped to take Vandy out of run support...but..

Look...I am not out on Milton. I just have very little idea what to expect from him except for this..last year he overthrew and missed wide open recievers causing the offense to sputter badly, and against Vandy he overthrew and missed wide open recievers.

I hope it was the weather and getting used to playing with the starters...I can see that causing the issues.

I want him to blow up and have an all time great year...but I have serious doubts.

You have no idea what the gameplan was, only the outcome. Don't borrow trouble. If he fails, he fails, but until he does, I will choose to believe he'll get the job done.
If you needed more evidence to why TCU winning would have been best, here it is. Saban out here getting free air time and putting on his politician suit. Sankey and Saban flexing their muscles and trying to get any momentum they can to get Bama in. Blatantly obvious bias.

That said, they aren’t getting in. What a sad and embarrassing display by Saban.
Then everyone will be freaking out that we are losing our d/c.

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