Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Update on our old girl Bertha who may have a cancerous wound on her private area. It looks like it is drying up and healing over. Vet says cancer is likely but with her age isn't unexpected. As long as she doesnt appear to be in pain and discomfort we are going to let her heal and live her life. Her daughter recently kidded and we think she misses her too (we keep mom and babies in birthing stalls away from herd). We plan on putting the extended family together in the next week after the colder weather passes.

We had a scare this afternoon. Our oldest horse Charlotte was down for a while. Suspect colic. We have given her some meds and pro biotics in an attempt get her healthy again. We are concerned with her being a geriatric horse she may not be strong enough to pull through. She was up and down this afternoon through early evening but has stayed up so far tonight.

Going to be a long night but when we started this journey we made commitments and promises to be there and do all we can...... So we are.

Please say a little prayer for Charlotte tonight and keep our family specifically my wife in her job search and our little farm in your prayers as well!
Well, she made it through the night and even pooped for me around 2am. For those with horse experience with colic you know this is the best sign possible.

She threw me around like a ragdoll while I was giving her pain and antiinflammatories last night but I got it done. Finally got to sleep around 2:45 am. Getting up at 6:30 was rough but made easier knowing she wasn't in immediate danger any longer. About to head to job number 2. When I get off at 9 out 10 tonight I'll crash hard and sleep harder!

Thanks for all the prayers you guys! Please continue to pray for us!
He’s not out. He was hurt in their conference semifinal game but heard Memphis radio guys say he was moving well before their final. I think they were just holding him out for the NCAAT. He may very well be limited or get hurt again, but he hasn’t been ruled out.
Well that’s a surprise. Sampson said he wasn’t available. Something must have changed
He’s not out. He was hurt in their conference semifinal game but heard Memphis radio guys say he was moving well before their final. I think they were just holding him out for the NCAAT. He may very well be limited or get hurt again, but he hasn’t been ruled out.
Just saw where he might be back for round of 32… that’ll give them a boost for sure.
Just saw where he might be back for round of 32… that’ll give them a boost for sure.

Game-time decision for first round, but they don’t need him. As I said before, for their final, the Memphis radio guys said he was warming up just fine in their pre-game and did not appear to have limitations.
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When I was a kid Blazing Fury was one of the best rides they had. We rode it over and over, but it doesn’t tell the story very well. Dollywood has come a long way since then but they keep that ride going for some reason.

I miss the Flooded Mine. I wonder if they ever caught One Eyed Jack?

Live canary means no gas leak.
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I don't say corn chips as a general term.

Like I don't ask for soda or pop or "coke". If I want frito's, I'll ask for them. If I want a sprite or coca-cola classic, I'll ask for it. Otherwise I just ask, "what do you have?"

Fwiw if I want tortilla chips I'll ask for tortilla chips.
Not what you would say, but what do you think of when someone says "corn chips". What would you consider corn chips to be. . .
I'm not doing this anymore.

Jalin Hyatt is better than most of the WRs they picked and to me an "all" anything team is the best of the best. Hyatt ran a 4.4 instead of in the 4.3s, but even then he was in the top 10% in every drill he did. I can only assume the guy wanted to highlight players he felt helped themselves with their combine, but no one picked Aidoo on the "all SEC" team because he gave a great interview at the SEC Tournament...

To me it wasn't really an "all-combine" team. He picked the usual suspects where it suited him and then ignored his own criteria when it didn't.
That's fine. Just say that 😆 I may well agree as far as that point.

But the original argument was misleading and inaccurate. Just want us to discuss based on accurate depictions of the topic being discussed. Was just attempting to clear up what the scores were. 😶‍🌫️ Now onto a Vols beatdown Moco.
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