Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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It will flip around when Saban retires…. Bama sucks and we will have the new tough team on the schedule.
Im not worried about Bama sucking or us being good. If there are two top 5 teams in the conference they should see each other more than once every 10 years.
Or stuff like UGA has still never made the trip to college station. Its ridiculous.
Rewatching Pitt game

Forgot Hyatt had a beautiful 35 yard TD ruled out of bounds in Q1. He just missed keeping it in bounds. Didn’t realize how many TDs he would go on to score at the time…

Hendon also barely misses him across the middle later in the game. Would have been a TD also.
Saw it happen in a dolphin interaction pool in HI.
Life altering.
My son's only comment, "Glad that was them."
It was only one aroused dolphin.
I served in Vietnam, crew chief on a Huey Gunship. I was with the Air Cav Troop, 11th Armored Cavalry. We knew why we were there. No one "lied to us". It was a sh[tty war, but all wars are sh[tty. Our officers actually educated us about our treaties, SEATO, and obligations. I have nothing but respect for how professional they were.

IMHO the problem with that war was that there was a draft and all the rich kids got a deferment, at least at the beginning. When deferments went away all the rich kids and their parents started b[tching about it, protesting. IMHO that war was more justified than Iraq, maybe even Afghanistan. JMO

Much love for you guys and gals in the back. It was a different world back then. I can’t imagine hot LZs, often times unescorted. Or flying at night without goggles. I’m guessing you guys had nearly zero ambient light other than a landing light, which just makes a great target. We go play in the mountains and it’s still dark as **** even with NVGs.
He is a ton better but still a bit confused. What worries me is the local hospital still hasn't found anything wrong. His ammonia is good (and I knew it would be because he only got out of the hospital recently and he's always been compliant - the only way it was going to go up is if he had a weird spike like he had last time) and his other tests are good. BUT they still haven't gotten a urine sample from him. He tried to give them one while I was there and couldn't do it. I don't know why they didn't do a quick cath sample since we've been telling them that this is what we suspect but they haven't.

If he hadn't had the tachycardia and super high blood pressure that put him at such high risk for a heart attack or stroke, I would've either driven us to UT or had my step dad take us because the local hospital simply isn't going to do anything that's not obvious. If it doesn't come up on the simplest tests they're going to keep him a day or two and tell me he's fine - it's just his liver failure but it's more than that. My instincts on his health have been right almost every time. I even diagnosed his heart failure when we were just grad students and they laughed and reassured me that it wasn't going to be heart failure until they came back and with faces that said we were in deep doo doo and told us - he has heart failure and cardiomyopathy, if he makes it through the night he should be fine. (Ironically, they left telling us to a resident who happened to have a last name I recognized because it was unusual - turned out her younger brother was a student in one of my classes).

Short term I think he's going to be ok but I have the feeling we will be doing this again until we can get him to UT or somewhere else that will actually try and find out what's going on which is just so damn frustrating.
😞 The not knowing can always be the hardest part especially when the medical staff just pretends everything is okay because it’s not anything they thought it was. Continued prayers!
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Please continue praying for Parker. Going tomorrow for yet more labs, including a peripheral smear, which makes my wife concerned about some serious underlying things. This fever is still rearing its head every now and again even after the Mono diagnosis. Thanks so much Volnation!
God's got you. Praying.
I thank you for your service, my dad was there also. I respect your opinion but none of these you listed were justified at all and just resulted in unwarranted death. Your officers were just relaying the company line but it was 100% wrong.

Yeah, everyone is an expert 60 years later. No context, no consideration of treaties we had. No consideration of anything except "it was 100% wrong". This is what has happened to our culture, everything is 100% right or wrong. The only difference between Korea and Vietnam is we lost in Vietnam. In Korea we committed to winning, much to the detriment of several million Koreans (mostly North Koreans). In Vietnam we did not commit to winning.

I have a friend who sat in all the meetings with Norman Schwartzkoff in Saudi when they were planning the invasion of Iraq. He said that in almost every meeting there was one mantra that was repeated over and over regarding the Vietnam War. That mantra was "Never again" Meaning we will never again go to war without planning to win it. People were astonished when we went through the Iraqi army like sh[t through a goose. That is what you do when you plan to win. We never did that in Vietnam,, That is why we lost.

Now whether you believe it was 100% wrong or not to prosecute that war, out politicians decided not to. When we were in the Korean War they decided to see it through, so we won, or at least we decided to stop fighting. War is a terrible thing, it is the ultimate tool of diplomacy.
I know I’m fighting a losing battle, but I really don’t want to see college football become NFL Jr. The continuous, century-old rivalries are worth preserving, IMO.

Give me Kentucky, Vandy, and Bama. The rest can rotate in and out.

Just saw an article earlier how the next step will be to kill off the "lesser programs". I hate this crap.

It's going to end up the 32 biggest and best. Say goodbye to the Vandys and UKs in football. And all the G5 and smaller schools will literally die off. This will be the end of college football as we've ever known it. And Sankey will be its Napoleon.
Yeah, everyone is an expert 60 years later. No context, no consideration of treaties we had. No consideration of anything except "it was 100% wrong". This is what has happened to our culture, everything is 100% right or wrong. The only difference between Korea and Vietnam is we lost in Vietnam. In Korea we committed to winning, much to the detriment of several million Koreans (mostly North Koreans). In Vietnam we did not commit to winning.

I have a friend who sat in all the meetings with Norman Schwartzkoff in Saudi when they were planning the invasion of Iraq. He said that in almost every meeting there was one mantra that was repeated over and over regarding the Vietnam War. That mantra was "Never again" Meaning we will never again go to war without planning to win it. People were astonished when we went through the Iraqi army like sh[t through a goose. That is what you do when you plan to win. We never did that in Vietnam,, That is why we lost.

Now whether you believe it was 100% wrong or not to prosecute that war, out politicians decided not to. When we were in the Korean War they decided to see it through, so we won, or at least we decided to stop fighting. War is a terrible thing, it is the ultimate tool of diplomacy.

I am not as thoroughly schooled on the Vietnam War as I probably should be but I don't believe we ever once pressed towards the N Vietnamese capital or really made them uncomfortable in the north. We simply tried to control the south while the north funneled weapons and fighters in an almost never ending stream into th fray. It was a war of attrition and they were willing to send a lot more of their boys to the meat grinder than the US was.
You going out to Ship Island? Mary Mahoney's Old French House is good. So is Half Shell. We are going down there for a conference, in July, I think. Can't recall. When are you going?
Going in mid June. Charred and Half Shell are fantastic. Idk where I'm going fishing yet but I've fished Ship before. Caught my largest speck out there. Kyle Johnson (Coastal Waters Outfitters) is a friend so I'm probably going to hop on one of his charters unless he's got a free day.
😞 The not knowing can always be the hardest part especially when the medical staff just pretends everything is okay because it’s not anything they thought it was. Continued prayers!

It's really hard, especially when you know that more is going on but they just haven't found it yet and aren't trying real hard to find it either. Every time he's been hospitalized, I've known fairly quickly whether or not the doc was going to do anything to help. Only one time have I gotten that at UT but every time we've had to use a smaller hospital it's been utterly useless beyond getting him stabilized.

As an aside.... He was so happy to see me today! Last night, I went home (I guess about 1.30 AM when it was clear he wasn't going to get a room any time soon) and I briefly woke him to tell him where he was and that I was going home but I knew he probably wouldn't remember it. Well, when he saw me today he was like a little kid. His eyes got huge and he said 'You found me!' As I mentioned earlier, he's still a bit confused and was worried that I wouldn't be able to find him where he was because he had no recollection of what had happened or how he got there. He was scared that something bad happened and that he might not see me again. He got in trouble with the CNA's because he's a fall risk and so has a bed alarm on but kept getting up because he wanted to hug me. He even said, "did you see how big my eyes got when I saw it was you?! I'm so happy to see you." It was great. 🤣
Yeah, everyone is an expert 60 years later. No context, no consideration of treaties we had. No consideration of anything except "it was 100% wrong". This is what has happened to our culture, everything is 100% right or wrong. The only difference between Korea and Vietnam is we lost in Vietnam. In Korea we committed to winning, much to the detriment of several million Koreans (mostly North Koreans). In Vietnam we did not commit to winning.

I have a friend who sat in all the meetings with Norman Schwartzkoff in Saudi when they were planning the invasion of Iraq. He said that in almost every meeting there was one mantra that was repeated over and over regarding the Vietnam War. That mantra was "Never again" Meaning we will never again go to war without planning to win it. People were astonished when we went through the Iraqi army like sh[t through a goose. That is what you do when you plan to win. We never did that in Vietnam,, That is why we lost.

Now whether you believe it was 100% wrong or not to prosecute that war, out politicians decided not to. When we were in the Korean War they decided to see it through, so we won, or at least we decided to stop fighting. War is a terrible thing, it is the ultimate tool of diplomacy.

This issue with Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan was the style of war waged. Counter Insurgency/nation building. The US in 100 yrs+ of warfare has only waged 2 semi successful COIN campaigns, the Philippine Insurrection against the Moros in the early 1900s and in Croatia during the mid 90s and that wasn’t even the main effort of the campaign. Most nations in the same timeframe fared even worse at COIN campaigns. Out of over 100s campaigns by all countries only 9 (Including the 2 I just mentioned) were even considered remotely successful. I wrote my Master’s Thesis on just that and the impact of intelligence in COIN campaigns.
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