Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I was there the night Lawler "piledrived" Andy Kaufman.................That was a wild night.....I was Twelve:oops:

Sad to admit I was too, do you remember Handsome Jimmy while he was in Memphis? His interviews were some of the funniest I've ever seen..

Someone should petition the rules committee that the Saturday afternoon raffle ticket/grab bag way of doing things is Kindercare like. Actually, my 7 yo could draw a decent graph, and put a 1-20 next to the misspelled names. I know she could, cause the homework they do in Tennessee is more complicated than that.

Not letting teams know their destination until week of is so bush league. I would be steaming.
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No Friday game and a Sat-Mon schedule?

What the crap is this?! Yeah, who would possibly want to end their work week with a super regional game when we could have one on Monday!
The corrupt NCAA had to give southern Mississippi an extra day off since they played so many games last weekend, and finished up on Monday night. They have to do everything possible to get some rest for their bullpen to give them the best chance to beat us.
Oh no, they got to you too.
Let me clarify: I have no opinion about Dabo Sweeney or the Clemson program. I've never heard Dabo speak. I've never read him quoted, other than before the Orange Bowl. I know nothing of what he claims, or tells recruits. I have no reason or interest in attacking or defending him, nor any basis to.

What I said was, if there was a blatant mismatch between what he tells recruits and how he then acts as a coach and mentor, players would be leaving his program. And maybe they are. I don't follow Clemson.

But players don't stay when they know they've been lied to, and lying about Christian ethical or spiritual values would be blatantly obvious and upsetting to those players for whom that was the deciding basis for their commitment.

Which is my point about accusations from the outside looking in -- the portal would be telling us if does not represent his program honestly, or coach with integrity. Players no longer have to put up with hypocrisy 24/7 for 4-5 years, and most Clemson players would have no trouble transferring into a top program.
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I didn't? It's not a secret that he stank up the joint in his first few starts over a dude that was the favorite for Heisman at one point and just went 3rd round to the Lions. He looked good against Clemson but that won't get him placed in Tier 1 on QB tier lists like the bad games didn't happen.
Here is your original quote: Milton has played really bad more times than he's played really good. Might need to pump the brake

I looked at his stats for 2022 and 2023. I see only one "really bad game." He stunk against Florida in 2021. Let's look at how many picks he has thrown while at Tennessee. I will give you a hint. It is less than 1. Vanderbilt was probably his worst game last year and we won 56-0. He played a really good game against Clemson. He also played well against Missouri and SC. You clearly just remember the overthrows against BG and Pitt and have decided he is really bad. You could argue BG was bad, but it was his very first game under Heup. I won't be pumping the brakes at all, thank you.


Got the whole crew through security and at our gate at Logan for the return flight to ATL. May have beat our record at ATL on Saturday. Take that @Jackcrevol And we’re not leaving anyone behind in New England @Enki_Amenra Whole crew present and accounted for.
atta boy. hope you had fun.
I was just watching some games from 2021, it’s a shame Tiyon never got it together health or academically, if he would have stayed healthy the whole season he easily would have had the best season from a rb in a long time
I have never seen someone so over hyped in all my life….His legend is built off Bowling Green, South Carolina, and Missouri…. He had one long catch the rest of the season and bailed on almost all our quality opponents…. The guy was a wuss, mentally inept player that doesn’t deserve our respect… jabari small would go out there with his arm dangling and bang it up in there until he couldn’t go no more… that is the VFL that deserves our respect…. Tiyon Evans is nothing, imo.
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I have never seen someone so over hyped in all my life….His legend is built off Bowling Green, South Carolina, and Missouri…. He had one long catch the rest of the season and bailed on almost all our quality opponents…. The guy was a wuss, mentally inept player that doesn’t deserve our respect… jabari small would go out there with his arm dangling and bang it u in there until he couldn’t go no more… that is the VFL that deserves our respect…. Tiyon Evans is nothing, imo.
^This! Never seen so much mourning for so little a man.
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