Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Whatever that was that came across the screen looked like a wounded duck pitch was about to hit our guy. Paper? Insect?
God this team is frustrating. Looks good one day, but just an illusion. Our real selves are here today and they stink. Can't pitch, bat, even run. Clearly we didn't show up today and they did. How long till football season?

Am I doing it right?
I finally got your sarcasm. I was thinking, "Man, I like devo. Do I really have to call him a dumb***? I mean, I will. But, oh... Thank goodness."
God this team is frustrating. Looks good one day, but just an illusion. Our real selves are here today and they stink. Can't pitch, bat, even run. Clearly we didn't show up today and they did. How long till football season?

Am I doing it right?

Good try, but it only works if you mean it.
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