Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Field a kick.
Have an offense with a pulse.
Cover Hyatt
Stay for the whole game
Ohh yea they left in the 3rd
I love rewatching this game. Especially after about 2/3 of the way through the 3rd quarter. The stands are at least half empty and there is more orange than purple at that time too. Suck it, Tigahs!
I wonder how that affects the Braves fanbase as a whole. Lots of Braves fans in Middle and East TN.

Will tenured Braves fans in Nashville disown the Braves and immediately cheer for the Nashville team? Or just simply have 2 teams to support.
I will always cheer for the Braves. You dont grow out of cheering for Bob Horner, Rafael Ramirez, Gerald Smith, and Dale Murphy.

Sid Break rounding third base is perma imprinted
grade of slaw is a VolNation lexicon. Not sure where it originated, but a lot of the old timers around here and I am definitely old, use that phrase instead of grain of salt.
Thanks for clarifying still trying to find Dick's Sporting Goods trying to find me one of them there fishermen poles and that their box you put my fishing stuff in now I have no hobbies since it's a sport.🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 Just joking by the way thanks
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#2 behind LSU (give me a break)

Remember when we weren't on lists like this for like 15 years? Good to be back where we belong.

To be fair, LSU received the nod as a result of how hostile the Vols made Tiger stadium for them on that fine Saturday morning. Even the home team was intimidated there.
I wonder how that affects the Braves fanbase as a whole. Lots of Braves fans in Middle and East TN.

Will tenured Braves fans in Nashville disown the Braves and immediately cheer for the Nashville team? Or just simply have 2 teams to support.

You don't stop supporting your team due to your state getting a team. That's not even a thought tbh. Only casuals would switch. I'll go watch when the Braves come into town and go just because I'm a baseball fan.
Want to nearly stop tampering?

Punish the athletes for their participation when proven. Don't just punish the schools.

Kid's not gonna have that conversation if he knows he could lose half his season.

Could be wrong - but finally making them employees and signing employee contracts would seem to deal with this. Similar to coaches. Yes you can sign for 100k/year. But if you leave, then you owe a penalty for breaking contract.

But hey - then the onus would actually :gasp: fall on the universities to pay said players, which the rich commissioners, ADs, and coaches have been avoiding at all costs the entire time. Because it would cut into their riches. This is EVERYTHING the universities *ahem* the "NCAA" - have fought against...for a reason...

Meanwhile the fans continue to float both sides...
Can’t tell Braves and Dawg fans apart. Very similar. Well they do root for Georgia teams after all. No thanks! Finally get some success and you never hear the end of it
I was raised a Braves fan and hate the Dawgs. Lots of us around. Aren’t you a Dodgers fan? If so, you a vegan who advocates homelessness?
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